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Started by fern, December 26, 2009, 05:38:39 AM

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Author: Moondawg

Keywords: extinct animals

Released Date: Dec 25 2009
Current Yunnanosaurus_MD2009.ztd dated 13 November 2009

File Size: 10.03mb

Compatibility: All Game Versions

Description: Yunnanosaurus is a genus of prosauropod dinosaur from the Early to Middle Jurassic Period; a position in time that makes it one of the last prosauropods.
It is closely related to Lufengosaurus. Known from two valid species, Yunnanosaurus ranged in size from 7 meters (23 feet) long and 2 m (7 ft) high to 13 m (42 ft) long in the largest species. It is known from over twenty skeletons, including two skulls, recovered from the Lufeng Formation of Yunnan, China.

Yang Zhongjian (aka C. C. Young) discovered the first Yunnanosaurus skeletons in the Lufeng Formation of Yunnan, China. The fossil find was composed over twenty incomplete skeletons, including two skulls, and were excavated by Tsun Yi Wang.

There were more than sixty spoon shaped teeth in the jaws of Yunnanosaurus, and were unique among prosauropods in that its teeth were self-sharpening because they "(wore) against each other as the animal fed." Scientists consider these teeth to be advanced compared to other prosauropods, as they share features with the sauropods.

However, scientists do not consider Yunnanosaurus to be especially close to the sauropods in phylogeny because the remaining portions of the animals body are distinctly prosauropod in design. This critical difference implies that the similarity in dentition between Yunnanosaurus and sauropods might be an example of convergent evolution.

type species, Y. huangi, was named by C. C. Young in 1942, and he erected the family Yunnanosauridae to contain it, though the family currently comprises only this genus. Young also named a second species, Y. robustus, in 1951, but this has since been included in the type species. The confusion in classification arose due to that the earliest specimens were of juveniles while the "Y. robustus" specimens represented fully grown adults.

In 2007, Lu and colleagues described another species of Yunnanosaurus, Y. youngi (named in honor of C. C. Young). In addition to various skeletal differences, at 13 meters (42 ft) long Y. youngi was significantly larger than Y. huangi (which reached only 7 meters (23 ft), and Y. youngi is found later in the fossil record, hailing from the Middle Jurassic.


Additional info:

Yunnanosaurus_MD2009.ztd             uca: 508BD2FB dated 13 November 2009

Results From Configuration Checking:

508bd2fb.uca date: Fri Nov 13 23:27:40 2009
No Errors or Warnings to show.
Animal Type: 508BD2FB


It is closely related to Lufengosaurus. Known from two valid species,
Yunnanosaurus ranged in size from 7 meters (23 feet) long and 2 m (7 ft) high
to 13 m (42 ft) long in the largest species. It is known from over twenty
skeletons, including two skulls, recovered from the Lufeng Formation of
Yunnan, China.
    (plus 5 other paragraphs)

Animal Characteristics:

Habitat: Coniferous Forest; Location: China; Era: Jurassic
Minimum happiness needed for chance of breeding: 97.
Animal can jump.
Animal can climb cliffs.
Cannot be used in original Zoo Tycoon: cKeeperFoodType (8) is not 0 to 5.

Exhibit Preferences:

Lodgepole Pine Tree, Fir Tree, Pine Tree, Yew Tree, Spruce Tree
Yellow Cedar Tree, Western Red Cedar Tree, Chinese Fir Tree, Broadleaf Bush
Pine Bush, Club Moss Shrub (DD), Walchian Conifer Tree (DD)
Dawn Redwood Tree (DD), Lepidodendron Tree (DD), Monkey Puzzle Tree (DD)
Norfolk Island Pine Tree (DD)

Large Rock, Large Rock - 1, Large Rock - 2, Large Rock - 3, Large Rock - 4
Small Rock - Medium, Small Rock - Small, Small Rock - 7, Small Rock - 8
Small Rock - 9, Coniferous Forest Rock - Formation
Medium Coniferous Rock (DD)

Exhibit Construction:

Number of animals allowed per exhibit: 1-3 with 100 squares for each adult.

Exhibit size (for 2 adults): 200 grid squares

Terrain (for exhibit with 200 grid squares):
140 Coniferous Floor, 20 Dirt, 20 Fresh Water, 20 Grass

Foliage (for exhibit with 200 grid squares):
12 grid squares should contain foliage.
Foliage that would give the most happiness: Dawn Redwood Tree (DD)
Since this is a small plant, greatest happiness will occur
if each of the 12 grid squares contains 4 of this plant.

Rocks (for exhibit with 200 grid squares):
4 Medium Coniferous Rock (DD), which is its most liked rock.

Elevation: Of the 200 squares, 5 nonadjacent squares should be elevated.