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Started by fern, October 23, 2008, 09:13:50 AM

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ZooTek Phoenix

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Author: Moondawg

Keywords: extinct, reptiles

Release Date: Oct 16, 2008

Current ParasuchusMD_2008.ztd dated 15 October 2008

File Size: 4.46mb

Compatibility: All Game Versions

Description: Parasuchus was a genus of several crocodile-like semi-aquatic animals that lived in the Late Triassic, specifically the earlier Late Carnian period. The reptiles lived throughout Europe, North America, and North Africa.


Additional info:

ParasuchusMD_2008.ztd                             uca: 87A12026 dated 15 October 2008

Results From Configuration Checking:

87a12026.uca date: Wed Oct 15 22:29:52 2008
No Errors or Warnings to show.
Animal Type: 87A12026


Paleorhinus was a genus of several small crocodile-like semi-aquatic animals
that lived in the Late Triassic, specifically the earlier Late Carnian period.
The reptiles lived throughout Europe, North America, and North Africa. This
genus usually also includes the more appropriately named Parasuchus, which
lived in India.

Animal Characteristics:

Habitat: Aquatic; Location: North America; Era: Triassic
Minimum happiness needed for chance of breeding: 95.
Animal can swim in water terrain.
Animal can swim in tanks.
Cannot be used in original Zoo Tycoon: cKeeperFoodType (7) is not 0 to 5.

Exhibit Preferences:

Water Lily, Water Reed, Bald Cypress Tree (DD), Horsetail (DD)
Sea Anemone (MM), Barnacles (MM), Beach Grass (MM), Brittle Sea Star (MM)
Clam Bed (MM), Orange Cup Coral (MM), Divercate Tree Coral (MM)
Feather Duster Worm (MM), Fire Coral (MM), Kelp (MM), Sea Lettuce (MM)
Red Gorgonian (MM), Sargassum (MM), Sand Dollar (MM), Sea Cucumber (MM)
Sea Star (MM), Seaweed (MM), Sea Grass (MM), Sea Sponge (MM)
Stove Pipe Sponge (MM), Tube Worm (MM), Purple Sea Urchin (MM)

Large Rock, Large Rock - 1, Large Rock - 2, Large Rock - 3, Large Rock - 4
Small Rock - Medium, Small Rock - Small, Small Rock - 7, Small Rock - 8
Small Rock - 9, Medium Aquatic Rock (DD), Small Ocean Floor Rock (MM)
Medium Coral Formation (MM), Large Ocean Floor Rock (MM)
Medium Ocean Floor Rock (MM), Large Coral Formation (MM), Iceberg (MM)
Isle Rock (MM)

Other specifically liked items:
Tank Filter (MM)

Exhibit Construction:

Number of animals allowed per exhibit: 1-2 with 230 squares for each adult.

Exhibit size (for 2 adults): 460 grid squares

Terrain (for exhibit with 460 grid squares):
322 Fresh Water, 23 Dirt, 46 Grass, 69 Gray Stone

Foliage (for exhibit with 460 grid squares):
37 grid squares should contain foliage.
Foliage that would give the most happiness: Horsetail (DD)
Since this is a small plant, greatest happiness will occur
if each of the 37 grid squares contains 4 of this plant.

Rocks (for exhibit with 460 grid squares):
37 Small Rock - Small, which is its most liked rock.