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Macaque (Barbary Macaque (ZTU))

Started by Nique, March 12, 2007, 10:34:37 AM

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Barbary Macaque (ZTU)

Zoo Admin

Click Site name to reach the download

Creator: Oryx

Keywords: real animals

Originally released: July 2002
Current ztu_barbarymacaque.ztd dated 3 July 2002

File Size: 1.47 MB

Compatibility: All Game Versions

Description: This Barbary Macaque was also made by our new designer Oryx, it's a great animal. It jumps a lot and sits, jump, sit, jump, sit, ...  


Additional info:

ztu_barbarymacaque.ztd                                   uca: B1151026 dated 3 July 2002

Results From Configuration Checking:

animals/b1151026.uca date: Wed Jul  3 20:01:20 2002
*** Warning: The [] section is unnecessary and could be removed.
*** Warning: cHabitat does not have max [cSuitableObjects] habitat value.
*** Warning: cHabitatSize is not set to 100.
***** Error: LCID is set to 2057 but [2057] section does not exist.
*** Warning: Sum of family, genus, and animal id/type values are < 0.
*** Warning: uca/ai file contains the word 'Undefined'.
*** Warning: BehaviorSet sections contain duplicate lines.
Animal Type: B1151026

Barbary Macaque

The Barbary Macaque (Macaca sylvanus) is a North African representative of a
group of monkeys more commonly found in Asia. There is also a wild group of
Barbary Macaques at Gibraltar, the British colony in southern Spain, making
the species the only primate species to occur in the wild state within Europe.
Historically, macaques have been extensively used in medical and scientific
research, with a notable example being the Rhesus system for blood grouping,
which is based on initial work carried out on the Rhesus Macaque.             
                                                  Created by Oryx

Animal Characteristics:

Habitat: Desert; Location: North Africa
Minimum happiness needed for chance of breeding: 95.
Preferred shelter: Large Concrete Shelter.
Animal can jump.
Animal can climb objects.
Animal can climb cliffs.

Exhibit Preferences:

Acacia Caffra Tree, Palm Tree, Quiver Tree, Thorn Bush, Yellow Fever Tree
Baobab Tree, Tall Grass, Grass Tree, Sigillaria Tree (DD)
Senegal Date Palm (ES)

Large Rock, Small Rock - Medium, Small Rock - Small
Medium Savannah Rock (DD), Termite Mound (ES)

Exhibit Construction:

Number of animals allowed per exhibit: 3-30 with 20 squares for each adult.

Exhibit size (for 3 adults): 60 grid squares

Terrain (for exhibit with 60 grid squares):
24 Sand, 6 Savannah Grass, 9 Dirt, 12 Brown Stone, 6 Gray Stone
3 Fresh Water

Foliage (for exhibit with 60 grid squares):
2 grid squares should contain foliage.
Foliage that would give the most happiness: Acacia Caffra Tree
Since this is a small plant, greatest happiness will occur
if each of the 2 grid squares contains 4 of this plant.

Rocks (for exhibit with 60 grid squares):
55 Small Rock - Small, which is its most liked rock.

Elevation: Of the 60 squares, 8 nonadjacent squares should be elevated.