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No Guests Hack

Started by Jay, August 27, 2022, 10:01:56 AM

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No Guests Hack

Author: Jay

Keywords: hack

Release date: August 27, 2022

Most current ztd date: June 13, 2018

Zip size: 242 bytes

Compatibility: All game versions

Description: This removes all guests from a zoo and no more guests will enter the zoo until NoGuestsHack.ztd is removed from ZT's folders. When new guests enter the zoo, their guest numbers will continue from where the numbering left off. Normally NoGuestsHack.ztd is used temporarily, such as to save a zoo without any guests or to see if it is guests causing ZT to crash.

If your ZT has a dlupdate folder, place NoGuestsHack.ztd in ZT's dlupdate folder. Otherwise put NoGuestsHack.ztd in ZT's Updates folder. Then remove NoGuestsHack.ztd from ZT's folders when it is no longer needed.

This is a hack of ZT's guests.cfg file.

Click here to download NoGuestsHack.zip