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List of ZT folders

Started by Jay, August 21, 2014, 11:17:16 PM

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Before CC, the "Updates" folder was used both for official downloads and for user made ".ztd" files. I believe Blue Fang was worried that some user made things that were made before the official downloads might have the same file names as the official downloads. So for safety, they created the "dlupdate" folder in CC for user made ".ztd" files. Here is a list of the folders that, by default, CC will look in for ".ztd" files:

- dlupdate: for user made ".ztd" files
- Updates: for official downloads and for official ".ztd" files made for CC
- XPACK2: for official ".ztd" files made for MM
- dupdate: for official ".ztd" files containing DD things that were changed for MM
- ZUPDATE1: for official ".ztd" files containing original ZT things that were changed for MM
- XPACK1: for official ".ztd" files made for DD
- ZUPDATE: for official ".ztd" files containing original ZT things that were changed for DD
- loc
- ZT's main folder: for official ".ztd" files made for the original ZT and for all ".dll" files

I do not know what loc, XPACK1/LOC, and XPACK2/LOC are for. Maybe they were in case things had to be changed to work in certain countries or for certain computers or Windows versions.

The above folder list is the order that they would override the other folders, with folders higher in the list overriding folders lower in the list. This is controlled by the following line in the zoo.ini file:


In my case, I added 2 other folders to that list. I created a folder for hacks, since there are certain hacks I keep available most of the time, and to make it obvious they are hacks. I also created a folder for the files needed to edit maps. So my line in the zoo.ini file is:


Even people with MM instead of CC can use the above zoo.ini line, which will allow them to put user made ".ztd" files in a dlupdate folder instead of in the Updates folder, just like those with CC.