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Zoo Tycoon objects that MM/CC will have guests go to and look at

Started by fern, November 18, 2013, 02:26:18 AM

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Here is the list of Zoo Tycoon objects that MM/CC will have guests go to and look at. Due to a mistake in MM/CC, one needs to be careful when replacing one of these objects with an object that is not in this list. If MM/CC tells guests to go look at the object and the object is replaced while the guests are on their way, the game can crash (end unexpectedly) when the guests get there. This list also shows their Esthetic Weights. I do not know what those weights mean, but it might be the probability that a guest will go look at the object, with higher numbers meaning guests are more likely to go look at it.

Amphora Clay Pot: 33
Asian Elephant Statue: 30
Atlantean Statue: 33
Atlantean Urn: 33
Bighorn Statue: 33
Bone Bed: 33
Campfire: 20
Decorative Hedge: 5
Deep Sea Diver Statue: 33
Desert Flowers: 33
Dolphin Statue: 33
Dolphin Wishing Fountain: 50
Duck Pond: 50
Elephant Fountain: 33
Elephant Statue: 33
Exhibit Sign: 10
Flowerbed: 10
Fountain: 33
Giant Pacific Clam: 33
Giant Tortoise Fountain: 33
Holiday Tree: 50
Jack-O'-Lantern: 25
Japanese Koi Pond: 20
Japanese Rock Garden: 20
Japanese Stone Lantern: 20
Japanese Urn: 20
Jetty: 3
Jumping Fountain: 30
Large Flowerbed: 10
Large Fossil Wall: 33
Large Geyser: 50
Large Volcano: 75
Lava Pit: 75
Lighthouse: 33
Lion Statue: 33
Masai Warrior Statue: 35
Medium Fossil Wall: 33
Mermaid Statue: 33
Mexican Statue: 30
Orca Statue: 33
Playful Bronto Statue: 33
Playful T. rex Statue: 33
Rainforest Pond: 20
Rainforest Statue: 35
Rainforest Torch: 10
Rainforest Vase: 20
Sail Boat: 3
Sea Lion Statue: 33
Seal Statue: 30
Small Fossil Wall: 33
Small Geyser: 50
Small Volcano: 75
Snake Pit: 33
Snowman: 25
Sphinx Statue: 33
Steam Vent: 25
Stone Obelisk: 33
T. rex Skeleton: 33
T. rex Statue: 33
Tall Torch: 10
Tar Pit: 75
Treasure Chest: 33
Tribal Mask: 20
Triceratops Skeleton: 33
Triceratops Statue: 33
Trio Statue: 30
Turtle Fountain: 33
Velociraptor Skeleton: 33
Velociraptor Statue: 33
Water Well: 33
Wishing Fountain: 50
Wooly Mammoth Fountain: 33
Worn Cart: 33
Woven Flower Basket: 20
Zoo Map: 50