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Characteristics Guide, Common characteristics in .ucs,.ai files by Jay

Started by fern, December 06, 2007, 09:46:29 PM

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Every ".ztd" file for buildings, scenery, foliage, and rocks have at least 1 ".ai" file (which is always the case for working buildings) or ".ucs" file. These ".ai" and ".ucs" files can be read with any text editor, such as Notepad or Vim. Often these files need updating, especially after using APE.

These files have a number of sections in them. One of these sections is [Characteristics/Integers]. This section will have a number of lines in it, depending on the type of object. But all buildings, scenery, foliage, and rocks will have at least 7 lines. The 2 lines that seem to cause a lot of confusion are cFootprintX and cFootprintY. These lines indicate how much space the object uses in a zoo. The easiest way to explain them is with pictures.

Notice that cFootprintX is the size in the front right of these images and cFootprintY is the size in the front left of these images. These are the positions of cFootprintX and cFootprintY as long as the zoo has not been rotated and the purchase menu has not been rotated. The values for cFootprintX and cFootprintY are double the number of grid squares. So, in the above restroom image, the building is 2 grid squares wide with a 1 grid square depth. Therefore, it has "cFootprintX = 4" and "cFootprintY = 2" in its ".ai" file. Similarly, in the above statue image, the statue is 1 grid square wide with a 2 grid square depth. Therefore, it has "cFootprintX = 2" and "cFootprintY = 4" in its ".ai" files. Except for a value of 1, a footprint should never be an odd number. Values of 1 are used for objects that are either a half grid square in area or a quarter grid square in area. Usually values of 1 should not be used as one footprint when the other footprint is larger than 2 because ZT has problems displaying foliage graphics near such objects. Unfortunately, APE has a problem where it will not set a footprint value larger than 5. In these cases, the footprint has do be fixed manually in the ".ai" or ".ucs" file.

The other common settings in the [Characteristics/Integers] section are easier to understand. Here are some notes concerning them. Other guides will talk about other settings in this section.

cPurchaseCost is the price of the object in the purchase menu. The price should usually be consistent with ZT objects. If your object is the same size, use the same price. If your object is twice as big in 1 direction or twice as tall, use double the price.

cNameID is the id associated with the name of the object. In ".ucs" files, it will be set to 19000, which means the name is inside a language section within the ".ucs" file. If cNameID in an ".ai" file is set to a 4-digit number, it is referring to a name inside a ".dll" file. Buildings will always have their names in ".dll" files. Since APE does not support buildings directly, this is something that would have to be adjusted manually.

cHelpID is the id associated with the tooltip for the object in the purchase menu. When cNameID is set to 19000, ZT ignores cHelpID and uses the tooltip that is inside a language section within the ".ucs" file. If cNameID in an ".ai" file is set to a 4-digit number, then cHelpID should be set to the same 4-digit number and the tooltip will also be in the ".dll" file.

cHeight usually represents the height of the object. This is the same height when raising or lowering land using the construction tool in ZT. Raising land 1 level would be the same as "cHeight = 1". Low fences in the original ZT would be a value of 1. Other fences in the original ZT would be a value of 2. There are a couple exceptions to cHeight. Most buildings usually just use "cHeight = 3", just to indicate that they are taller than guests, without worrying about the true size. For some scenery and foliage, "cHeight = 1" will be used even if the object is taller. The reason for this is that guests cannot see through the object if it has a cHeight greater than 1. Since some objects are thin or clear, such as observation area posts, thin trees, or scenery made of clear glass, a cHeight of 1 is often used for these objects to allow guests to see through them.

cHabitat represents which habitat the object belongs to. Here are the possible values: 9400 (Savannah), 9401 (Grassland), 9402 (Deciduous Forest), 9403 (Coniferous Forest), 9404 (Boreal Forest), 9405 (Tropical Rainforest), 9406 (Scrub), 9407 (Highlands), 9408 (Tundra), 9409 (Desert), 9410 (Non-habitat), 9411 (Many), 9412 (Null Habitat), 9413 (Aquatic), 9414 (Bad-habitat).
Usually buildings for guests are set to 9414 since these buildings would not go in exhibits. Although many other ZT objects have a specific habitat, often user made shelters, scenery, foliage, and rocks will have a value of 9411, allowing them to be placed in any exhibit without having animals complain about them, although the animals usually also will not give a smiley face when one is inserted. A cHabitat setting of 9414 is also used for scenery that might be dangerous to animals in real life or flowerbeds that might be trampled by animals in real life.

APE will often add unnecessary lines to ".ucs" (and animal ".uca") files. If you see any "[]" lines with nothing inside the brackets, you may delete those lines. Also, if there are any blank lines at the top or bottom of the files, you may delete those lines as well.


The above guide and images may be copied to any web site. But, except for formatting changes, the contents may not be changed, including the credits. If there are any suggestions for changes, please post them at Zookeeper's Lounge. That is where this guide will be kept up-to-date.

Characteristics Guide in the Designer Guides section at the Zookeeper's Lounge web site:
- written by Jay