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Guest Thoughts

Started by fern, August 25, 2007, 06:56:15 AM

0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic.


In-game Guest Thoughts

If an in-game guest thought is used for a user creation, ideally it should be one from the original ZT section or official download sections, since some people only have the original ZT. If any from the other sections are used, I recommend adding them to a user ".dll", but they should be added exactly as shown.

Guest thoughts - original ZT (excluding special ones that only ZT can use properly)

10074, "I'm happy."
10075, "This zoo is pretty nice, though it could use some improvements."
10076, "This zoo is mediocre. I can take it or leave it."
10077, "I'm starting to get a little ticked off."
10078, "I'm really angry!"
10079, "I'm hungry."
10081, "I can't find anything to eat."
10082, "I'm thirsty."
10083, "I can't find anything to drink."
10084, "I need to go use the restroom."
10085, "I really like the family restroom."
10086, "I can't find a restroom!"
10087, "This zoo isn't all that great; I'm leaving."
10088, "I don't like this zoo; I'm going home."
10089, "I don't like this zoo at all; I'm going to an amusement park."
10090, "Where can I buy a souvenir?"
10091, "I can't find a gift shop."
10092, "I'm tired."
10093, "There's no place to sit down around here!"
10094, "This zoo is filthy."
10095, "Wow, I really like the way the animal exhibits are laid out."
10096, "There seems to be a lot of sick animals in this exhibit."
10100, "I like the way they have grouped animals in this zoo."
10103, "This area is quite lovely."
10104, "This zoo is awfully crowded."
10105, "This zoo is something else!"
10106, "I just don't like the look of this zoo."
10107, "The zookeepers are better at keeping the animals active."
10111, "A pony ride! I love pony rides!"
10112, "The elephant ride is cool!"
10113, "I really like the Petting Zoo!"
10114, "A carousel! I love carousels!"
10115, "The playground is wonderful fun!"
10116, "The souvenir shop has some great gifts!"
10117, "How handy -- a gift stand!"
10118, "A drink stand! Great, I'm thirsty!"
10119, "A hamburger stand! Great, I'm hungry!"
10200, "A hot dog stand! Good, I'm starving!"
10201, "A pizza stand! I love pizza!"
10202, "An ice cream stand! Chocolate is my favorite!"
10203, "There's the restaurant. Let's eat!"
10204, "The Japanese garden is lovely."
10205, "An animal theater. That's unique."
10206, "An information booth. Let's ask directions."
10207, "Here's the animal hospital. This must be where they treat the really sick animals."
10208, "There's the Reptile House. Let's go see it!"
10209, "Look, there's the Aviary. That's where they keep all of the birds!"
10210, "There's the Primate House, where they house many of the great apes."
10211, "Ooh, there's the Insect House! Some insects are really bizarre looking!"
10212, "Eeew! The compost building smells horrible."
10213, "Let's see the zoo from up in the gondola!"
10214, "These umbrella tables protect you from the sun's rays."
10215, "Great! I can throw my trash in the trash can."
10216, "Oh, the flower beds are so pretty!"
10217, "I enjoy sitting at the picnic table."
10218, "The water from the drinking fountain tastes good."
10219, "I like to sit and rest on the bench."
10220, "The fountains are lovely!"
10221, "These binocular stands are helpful."
10222, "I wonder who sculpted these statues? They're cool!"
10223, "Look at the duck pond! It's neat!" (changed slightly in MM)
10224, "Rock gardens are one of my favorite things!"
10225, "The soda from this vending machine is nice and cold."
10226, "This vending machine has lots of good candy."
10227, "I really like this hamburger."
10228, "Mmmm, pizza, my favorite!"
10229, "I really like this ice cream."
10230, "I really like this hotdog." (changed slightly in MM)
10231, "The soda tastes really good."
10232, "I really like this candy bar."
10233, "The stuffed panda looks so cute."
10234, "I really like this coloring book."
10235, "These plastic animals are really neat."
10236, "I really like this zoo T-shirt."
10237, "I need to throw away this trash."
10238, "I've seen everything in the zoo; I have to leave now."
10241, "This place really smells bad!"
10244, "Looking at this zoo map will prevent me from getting lost." (changed slightly in MM)
10247, "I'm leaving the zoo. Animals are running free!"
10248, "I need to get out of this exhibit!"

Guest thoughts - DD

10260, "How handy -- a gift stand!"
10261, "Cool, a bouncy ride. "
10262, "I love a good slide!"
10263, "A dinosaur cinema, I like movies."
10264, "A mini-golf course. Great, I can brush up on my putting!"
10265, "Wow! A swing! I like to swing!"
10266, "Look, there's the Pteranodon Aviary. That's where they keep all of the prehistoric birds!"
10267, "Ooh, there's the Lepospondyl House! Rrrribit!"
10268, "I wonder who sculpted this statue? It's cool!"
10269, "This skelton looks neat!"
10270, "I wonder who dug this up?"
10271, "These fossils are very interesting to look at."
10272, "A hamburger stand! Great, I'm hungry!"
10273, "I want an ice cream! I'm hungry!"
10274, "A stuffed dinosaur. Cool!." (changed slightly in CC)
10275, "I can't wait to put this puzzle together."
10276, "This mug is really neat."
10277, "I really like this dinosaur T-shirt."
10278, "Grrrrr...I can't wait to play with these dinosaur toys."
10279, "Bronto burgers rock!."
10280, "Mmmmm... ice cream."
10285, "Ohh, I don't feel so good. I think I'm going to ..."
10286, "The Dinosaur souvenir shop has some really cool gifts!"

Guest thoughts - MM

10223, "Look at the duck pond! That's neat!" (changed slightly from original ZT)
10230, "I really like this hot dog." (changed slightly from original ZT)
10244, "Now that I've seen the zoo map, I know where everything is." (changed slightly from original ZT)
10252, "Hmmm... You know, I never knew that before!"
10253, "Hey, nice hedge."
10254, "That snowman sure does look jolly."
10255, "Someone did a really nice carving job on that pumpkin."
10256, "Seeing that Christmas tree really puts me in the spirit." (changed slightly in CC)
10257, "That T. rex statue is so life-like."
10258, "Look at the claws on that raptor statue!"
10259, "Those horns on that triceratops statue would make a good coat rack."
10287, "I've never seen such a lousy show!"
10288, "That show was OK."
10289, "That show was pretty good."
10290, "Wow! That was a great show!"
10520, "Frozen yogurt is good and good for me!"
10521, "Yummy! I just love popcorn."
10522, "Look at how cute my new goldfish is."
10523, "This orca is so soft and cuddly."
10524, "A stuffed dolphin. Super cool!"
10525, "I can't wait to play with my new toy sharks!"
10526, "I can't wait to show my friends my new cap."
10527, "Mmm, the fish and chips are good."
10529, "That was the best sub I've ever eaten."
10530, "That frozen drink was refreshing."
10531, "I bet they have some cool marine gifts at the gift shop."
10532, "I hope I can get a good meal at Lobby's Restaurant. I'm starving!"
10533, "The crustacean house--that's where they display all of the shellfish."
10534, "Look at the tropical aquarium! They have all sorts of colorful fish there."
10535, "Cool! A sub shop. I hope I can get extra HOTS! "
10536, "Hey, an aquatic gift stand. I can pick up a quick gift!"
10537, "They better put some mustard on my hot dog at the Sea Dawgs cart!"
10538, "I'm hot. I think I'll get a frozen drink."
10539, "A popcorn stand...I hope I can get some extra butter."
10540, "Neat, a boat rental shack - I can rent a boat there."
10541, "Wow! I can swim with the dolphins."
10542, "I hope the swim shack has extra towels."
10543, "I'm glad they have some low-calorie snacks here."
10544, "I hope I find a show grandstand seat with a good view."
10553, "This animal doesn't swim in tanks and must be placed in a land exhibit."
10554, "This animal must be placed in a tank with water in it."
10556, "The shark tunnel is pretty scary."
10557, "This bouncy ride squeaks less."
10559, "This object can not be placed in a tank."
10565, "Hey, a ring toss...I hope I can win a prize!"
10566, "Help! I'm going to drown...."
10567, "Look how dirty that tank is. Yuck!"
10568, "Hey! I don't want to be in the water!"
10570, "Eggs must be placed on land."
10572, "This sea lion statue seems so life-like."
10573, "The seal statue looks so cool."
10574, "Wow! Whoever was able to get such a cool statue must be a real Zoo Tycoon!"
10575, "Look how smooth the dolphin statue is."
10576, "Oh my...the orca statue is beautifully done."
10578, "I don't photograph that well."
10579, "This photo came out really well."
10580, "That T. rex skeleton is huge!"
10581, "So that's what a triceratops skeleton looks like."
10582, "The velociraptor statues makes them look so nimble."
10583, "That wooly mammoth fountain sure is pretty."
10584, "I really like that giant tortoise fountain."
10585, "That is a huge fossil!"
10586, "Look at that big ol' geyser!"
10587, "Wow, that geyser is neat."
10588, "Eek! I better not get too close to that lava pit."
10589, "Man, that tar pit smells horrible!"
10590, "Volcano! Run for your lives!"
10591, "Hey, a steam vent. I'd better not get too close."
10592, "Whoa. Now that's a big clam."
10593, "I hope my wish comes true."
10594, "That mermaid statue sure is pretty."
10595, "Hey look! An old-fashioned diver statue."
10596, "Look at all that treasure in the treasure chest."
10597, "Look at all those flowers!"
10598, "What a nice flowerbed."
10610, "What was that supposed to be?"
10611, "I've seen better tricks."
10612, "That was a cool trick"
10613, "Wow! that trick was unbeleiveable"
10614, "Wow! what a cool t-shirt."
11493, "You can't add any more tricks to this show."

Guest thoughts - CC or Atlantean Pack official download

10615, "I enjoy walking under this Atlantean arch."
10616, "The Atlantean urn looks exotic."
10617, "That's a cool looking Atlantean statue."

Guest thoughts - CC or Kids Dino Pack official download

10618, "I enjoy walking under this funny dinosaur arch."
10619, "The blue bronto statue looks really funny."
10620, "That's a neat T. rex statue."
10621, "The video games in the arcade are really cool!"
10651, "These dino souvenirs are so cool!"
10652, "Wow! What a cool snack stand!"

Guest thoughts - CC or Endangered Species Pack official download

10625, "I'm going to get me some cotton candy!"
10627, "Wow, that sure is an imposing mask!"
10628, "That Masai warrior statue looks so lifelike."
10629, "Hey, look at that tall torch!"
10630, "Ooh, those are some pretty savannah flowers."
10631, "Mmm. This cotton candy sure is tasty."
10632, "What a lovely little rainforest pond."
10633, "Wow! That rainforest restaurant sure does look cool!"
10634, "My, what an intricate design on that rainforest statue."
10635, "Good thing we have these lovely rainforest torches."
10636, "Whoa. Look at the size of that rainforest vase!"
10653, "What a lovely Asian elephant statue."
10654, "Cool! They have bats in the Nocturnal House!"
10655, "Hey, Mom! I'll be in the Animatronic Theater!"
10656, "Oh wow, look at that nice Mexican statue." (also in Mexican Pack download)
10657, "That sure is one happy-looking prairie dog on the Prairie Dog Cafe." (also in Mexican Pack download)
10658, "I'm going to get some nachos at that nacho stand." (also in Mexican Pack download)
10659, "Mmm! Cheesy, spicy nachos." (also in Mexican Pack download)

Guest thoughts - CC only

10256, "Seeing that holiday tree really puts me in the spirit." (changed slightly from MM)
10274, "A stuffed dinosaur. Cool!" (changed slightly from DD)
10622, "Ahh, it's nice to warm my hands by the campfire."
10624, "Nice craftsmanship on that woven flower basket!"
10626, "I'm going to take shelter from the cold in that gift shop!"
10638, "That is a lovely Japanese stone lantern."
10639, "Look! I saw a fish in the Japanese koi pond!"
10640, "That is a beautiful Japanese urn."
10641, "What a calming Japanese rock garden."
10642, "Mmm. My shaved ice is strawberry. Yummy!"
10643, "Ah! A shaved ice pagoda! I sure am thirsty."

Guest thoughts - Added in CC for the North African Theme Pack

10644, "That's a really nice amphora."
10645, "Wow, that is a tall obelisk. I wonder what it all means."
10646, "Ahh, that sandcart must be what they used to build the pyramids."
10647, "I guess they use this well to get the water around here."
10648, "Ooh. A snake pit. I hope they don't get out!"
10649, "Wow, that sphinx statue sure is cool."
10650, "Those are some beautiful desert flowers."


User Made Guest Thoughts

The following posts show user made guest thoughts. Since guest thoughts have their own IDs that are not connected to building or sold item IDs, it is possible to use existing guest thoughts for newly created buildings or sold items. If something educational can be mentioned that has not been mentioned in other guest thoughts or tooltips, then it is better to create a new guest thought. But if the guest thought will not add something educational for a newly created building or sold item, then try to use an existing guest thought, so that IDs will not be used up as fast. If the guest thought you want to use has spelling errors or has grammar errors or has punctuation errors or is not in the present tense, it would be good to have the guest thought corrected. (Present tense is when the guest is doing something now rather than in the past or future.)

Guest thoughts - IDs less than 10000

2, "Mmm. Aaah. These fries is really good!!"
4, "Yummie. A Quarter Pounder with Cheese!"
6, "Oouuhh. This can of 7up taste sooo good"
8, "I love pepsi. It's much better than Coca Cola. Much much better!!"
10, "Oh my God.. This Honey BBQ is the best ever!!"
12, "This KFC Twister is good. Mmm. I love it!!"
73, "I didn't know there are sooo many kinds of frogs"
120, "Oooh.. Yepp.. This must be the Original Recipe. I love it!!"
122, "Klunk Klunk Klunk... Aaaaah.. Pepsi Twist is THE best!!"
204, "This chicken is nice and crispy"
207, "This waffles is beautiful."
1102, "Wow! I adopted an animal! Let's go look for it in the zoo."
2290, "I can't wait to get home and light the sky up with these."
2293, "Good, now I stop this bleeding."
2296, "These flowers are really colourful and beautiful!"
2299, "This meteor fragment is so interesting."
2460, "This Velociraptor Pit is really cool"
2754, "All these choices look soooo delicious."
2797, "I like that from Hamlet: Give every man thine ear but few thy voice; Take each man's censure, but reserve thy judgement."
2814, "Ohhh, That was fun! I just love the gingery smell of these and they taste soooo yummy."
2827, "I love this tour through the castle. The workshop looks like a fun place to create in."
2831, "It's clever they swap the baby twins often to make mom think it's the same, since she would reject one otherwise."
2865, "It is so much fun watching the puffins. I especially like how it looks like they are flying as they use their wings to swim underwater."
2878, "Mmmmm, don't these wonderful smells make your mouth water? And I really love the taste of these new fruity ones."
2898, "It is so interesting to watch all of these marine animals frolic in their exhibits!"
2942, "It's sooo cool seeing lions under the trees and animals at the waterhole. I enjoyed sampling the cape pond weed stew, pot bread and umngqusho."
2965, "The Aussie facts were interesting. I really enjoyed sampling the barramundi, yabby, muntries, quandong, and wattleseed."
2982, "This is so much fun being able to see so many animals at once. Ooh! Look over there..."
3853, "I really love eating at the RainForest Cafe.  It's FUN!"
3855, "Oh Boy!  A gift certificate from RainForest Cafe will be a great gift for my friends!"
4703, "Oh my God.. This Honey BBQ is the best ever!!"
4738, "This Zoo rocks. I gotta call my friends and tell them to come!!"
5346, "Yeah I love Caramel Apples!"
5348, "This Caramel Apple is sticky sweet and oh so good!"
5350, "Oh man my M&Ms are falling off my candy apple!"
5353, "Oh look Chocolate, Yummmy!, the Chocolate at the Chocolates Stand are very good!"
5355, "Milk Chocolate Cream is my favorite!"
5357, "Butterscotch Chunk is my favorite!"
5359, "Chocolate-Covered Peanuts are my favorite!"
5361, "I bought this Box Of Assorted Nuts And Chews for my mom. But then I could not resist eating it all myself."
5364, "Yeah Giant Cookies!"
5366, "This smiley cookie makes me happy."
5368, "I don't think I can eat this entire Giant cookie!"
5370, "This brownie is nice and warm!"
5373, "I'm glad they have a T-shirt stand because my Popsicle melted on it!"
5375, "Yeah a ZooTek T-shirt, the best site around!"
5377, "SpongeBob is my favorite show. Great shirt!"
5379, "Yeah I can be an explorer like Dora!"
5381, "I love my new Spider-Man T-shirt!"
5384, "Oh look a Shirley Temple Stand!"
5386, "This Shirley Temple hits the spot!"
5389, "Oh look I can buy a dino gift for my dad!"
5391, "I love my squishy toy and he will be my squishy friend!"
5441, "My T-Rex shirt is the bomb!"
5444, "Oh good a Popsicle stand I am so hot, boy this Popsicle is nice and cold!"
5446, "This Spider-Man Popsicle is really good!"
5448, "This Dora Popsicle is really good!"
5450, "This Jimmy Neutron Popsicle is really good!"
5452, "This Snoopy Popsicle is really good!"
5454, "Wow, this SpongeBob Popsicle tastes like pineapple!"
5930, "This library has so many different books on animals and zoos!"
5935, "I'm lucky I found this place! I need some repairs done!"
7553, "Wow, the seahorses are beautiful and who knew it was the male that gave birth. But the small fish of the reef were just outstanding."
7573, "This Greenhouse has such wonderful plants from all around the world."
7592, "Interesting. The lighthouse looks big from the outside, but it is nothing but stairs and a light."
7618, "A Baobab Ice Cream stand! I love ice cream!"
7656, "How interesting... I never knew adult elephants can sleep standing up as well as lying on their sides."
7682, "Nothing like getting back to nature for a good rest."
7727, "Auntie serves great meals. Let's go in."
7743, "Wow, schau Dir die Pyramide an! Das ist ein Restaurant!"
7747, "I can get some great gifts here at the ZTU ATW Vending Machine."
7806, "It's nice to warm up in the ZooTek Lodge."
7822, "They have very educational information about Wolves."
7860, "My favorite of the old games was the 1970s Apollo pinball with countdowns, launches, + score wheels & relays instead of electronics."
7864, "Fortune: Help! I'm being held prisoner in a fortune cookie factory!"
7866, "Fortune: Animals go crazy by placing many in too small a pen. Homo sapiens is the only animal that voluntarily does this to himself."
7869, "Hans Christian Andersen and the Grimm brothers sure did write exciting stories. And they teach such great lessons too."
7886, "Not only are the people at the wild looking Lounge among the nicest in the world, they could answer all of my APE questions too."
7902, "That was fun bouncing off the wall."
7907, "I really liked that Chinese meal."
7915, "This garden makes me feel really relaxed."
7927, "That Drop Zone Ride was cool. I have got to ride that again!!"
7932, "This Velociraptor Pit is really cool."
7947, "Wow! It was unbelievable how the water seemed to run uphill in the Crooked House."
7953, "AK's Grill has a fantastic food!"
7963, "I really liked the safari look in my room."
7964, "The food looks awesome in the Blood and Buckets."
7973, "There are so many, cool plants and flowers in this zoo."
8194, "Oh my, there are lots of treats in here!"
8198, "The fantasy animals are so interesting. I had a lot of fun touring the castle. I will come back for another visit real soon."
8231, "This is a nice change. It's nice to have a place for adults while visiting the zoo."
8237, "I'm glad I got to relax in such a peaceful environment."
8317, "Cranberry juice.. ooh.. tastes good!!"
8318, "Oh boy.. fried shrimps. These taste great.. oops.. forgot that I'm allergic to shrimps!!"
8319, "Mmm.. Roasted Halibut.. tastes just like grandma's!!"
8320, "A Salmon Plate.. hmm.. what kind of weird name is that.. salmon plate.. couldnt u come up with a better name dj_pluffs.. eeh!?"
8323, "The Zoo Visitor Center has a helpful staff and many useful items for sale."
8325, "Good thing I bought this zoo map, otherwise I would have been lost!"
8327, "This conservation book is very educational."
8329, "Ahhh, this Beanie Baby is so cute and cuddly!"
8357, "Thank god for that bathroom. I almost peed my pants. Pheew!!"
8358, "Wow! a Lumberjack Lounge!, neat! I'm starving for some big meals!"
8359, "Finally had A nice pint of beer or two, aah! I feel refreshed!"
8360, "That Moose Steak is Big eatin' it filled me up!"
8361, "A Big Serving of Beef Stroganoff got me going like a Lumberjack, that was a great meal!!"
8362, "That was a Heavy Meal! The Lumberjack Stew is delicious!"
8393, "Woah! This is going to be In Tents! Hope I can find somewhere to put my sleeping bag."
8394, "The view should be wonderful from my room as I eat my supper!"
8395, "I should be able to buy loads of goodies from here after dinner!"
8396, "All those entrances make my head spin! Still, a good rest and meal should sort that out!"
8397, "It's a good job; I like the colour red! Just hope the food and my room aren't the same colour!"
8398, "This hotel seems to stretch for miles! I'll need a good long rest and several meals just to cope with it!"
8399, "This is so much better than the Alpha! Now this is what a Hotel should look like!"
8469, "These 3D-movies are really great!"
8489, "I love candy apples!!"
8494, "It is nice of the zoo to provide these park grills. The meat is done."
8514, "There's a First Aid Building. Nice!"
8516, "These bandaids are great!"
8519, "I'm so glad I found a bathroom."
8522, "I can feel every hair on my body standing on end!"
8525, "I can't wait until the new zoo addition is finished!"
8529, "Wait until I show this Zootekenstein T-shirt to my friends. They'll be so jealous..."
8532, "I think I'm gonna have nightmares tonight!"
8542, "I really like bridges. This zoo is beautiful!"
8546, "Wow, that Snow Castle is really beautiful!"
8548, "This steaming mug really warms you up!"
8550, "I'm sure glad I bought that steak sandwich. It was delicious!"
8552, "Alright, a hat and mittens! Now I can stay warm while I see the animals!"
8555, "Thank goodness, a snowy restroom!"
8558, "Oh, how pretty! It's snowing! And here I am with no coat, and wearing a short sleeved shirt too. Brrr!"
8559, "I just love listening to carolers sing. It gets me into the Christmas spirit!"
8562, "That refreshments machine is really good value!"
8565, "Man, that sweet stand has everything and they are all my favourites too!"
8567, "Ummmmmm, these chocolates are the best; so creamy and smooth!"
8570, "Hey, this Rainbow Slushie tastes great. It also makes my tongue look funny!"
8590, "I really enjoy tunnels. This zoo is incredible!"
8602, "Wow, daar binnen was het heel mooi en heb ik echt heel veel geleerd over Inca's "
8609, "Whoooooooooo lives in a pineapple under the sea? SpongeBob SquarePants!"
8610, "Oh boy! A SpongeBob giftshop!"
8613, "Do I have kelp sprigs stuck in my teeth?"
8622, "You wont believe what I found in my sock last night! Go ahead, guess!"
8623, "They're taking the thoughts we think we thought and making them thoughts we think we thought... I think."
8624, "Mom, can I be assertive and punch the Plankton plush toy in the face?"
8625, "Yipee! I can bend Mr. Krabbs legs over his head!"
8627, "This squid is so rubbery; just like Mom used to make!"
8628, "There's always room for jellyfish jelly!"
8629, "Mmmmmm, this kelp goes down smooooth!"
8636, "I've never seen such brightly colored reptiles before!"
8637, "I like the nice green and blue colors of the eastern collared lizards."
8638, "Those deadly snakes make me nervous."
8682, "The Snowy Gift Shop has some great souvenirs!"
8684, "This bear is so soft and cuddly."
8686, "This cap will keep my head nice and warm."
8688, "This T-shirt is really cool!"
8690, "Oh, that's a pretty snowglobe!"
8692, "I love the snowman baseball hat!"
8698, "All my friends will be jealous that I met Santa!"
8703, "Wow! Look at the Venus Flytrap! I love Pitcher Plants!"
8706, "I really liked the Deserterrium!"
8711, "I like the taste of T-Rex Nuggets."
8712, "Raptor beef tastes really good!"
8718, "These Belgian Fries are delicious!"
8719, "I really like the taste of this hamburger!"
8733, "Prachtig nagemaakt, dat Western Post Office!"
8742, "Aaah, this coke tastes great!"
8749, "Wow, schau' Dir die Pyramide an! Das ist ein Restaurant!"
8761, "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! That makes me dizzy! "
8765, "This was great fun!"
8766, "This was fun!"
8770, "I need sugar to boost my hyperactivity!"
8772, "This chocolate is so delicious!"
8776, "Mmm, what a great meal!"
8781, "Raspberry lemonade. Delicious!"
8782, "That was tasty."
8785, "Cool! A Christmas Tree Sale! Those trees sure look great!"
8787, "This is so cool! I cannot wait to decorate it!"
8789, "This tree is beautiful! It will look great at home!"
8791, "Wow! This is a great ice cream sundae."
8793, "This milkshake is really great! Yummy!"
8795, "Mmm... These candy canes are delicious!"
8797, "A Snack Shack. I love candies!"
8802, "That Popcorn in that stand looks alright!"
8805, "This Sugar Popcorn is nice and sweet."
8806, "This Salt Popcorn is nice and salty."
8823, "Great View! You gotta love that ride."
8826, "That was the jolliest place ever! Even Santa was there!"
8831, "I never had such an exciting ride."
8834, "An art gallery. That's unusual. Let's have a look."
8836, "I love this dolphin necklace."
8838, "This print is signed by the artist!"
8840, "Now I can sketch my favorite animal!"
8842, "This carving is cool."
8845, "Oh look, a caricature artist. Let's have our pictures drawn."
8847, "That artist made me look like an orangutan!"
8850, "That was great... I had a splendid time."
8851, "Oh look! The Amazon House!"
8854, "I really liked the free flying birds in the Amazon House."
8855, "The special effects were awesome in this movie."
8858, "I did not know that animals are mentioned in so many myths"
8861, "That spooky ghost is so creepy."
8867, "Wow, look! A pirate ship!"
8869, "I'm a swashbuckling pirate captain! Have at you, scurvy landlubber!"
8871, "X marks the spot. Cool!"
8873, "Let's go in the bookstore!"
8875, "This zoo is listed as one of the world's greatest zoos!"
8877, "I really like the birdsong recordings on this CD."
8879, "I can't wait to play Zoo Tycoon! I wonder if there are any cool Zoo Tycoon websites. . ."
8883, "The Bistro looks like a good place to have lunch."
8885, "This soup is delicious!"
8887, "This is a really fresh salad. Yum!"
8893, "The detail on this model ship is amazing."
8895, "This hermit crab looks just like the one in the touch tank. . . Ouch!"
8904, "I love Olive Garden breadsticks!"
8906, "This fruit salad is really good!"
8917, "Oh gross, the soup is looking at me!"
8919, "This cola looks awful."
8921, "Look, a Spooky Restaurant. I love scary places!"
8924, "A pina colada, just what I needed on a hot day."
8925, "Boy, that rice was so sticky!"
8929, "I feel like I just stepped out of the tropics!"
8931, "This is the best ice cream ever."
8932, "This hot chocolate tastes great."
8933, "I love Ben & Jerry's!"
8943, "Man. This Cafe really rocks"
8970, "Wow! What an amazing, mysterious hedge!"
8973, "Wahoo! That sure made me energized!"
8980, "Wow! The view is fantastic here!"
8982, "Yahoo! This'll be fun!"
8995, "Shish Kebab. Grilled meat on a stick."
8997, "Wow, look at that pyramid. It's a restaurant!"
8998, "Those Shish Kebabs sure were spicy."
8999, "I really liked that Hibiscus Tea."


Guest thoughts - IDs in 10000 to 19999 range

10122, "Mmm ..Rosted Halibut.. tastes just like grandmas!!"
10123, "A Salmon Plate.. hmm ..what kind of weird name is that ..salmon plate ..couldnt u come up with a better name dj_pluffs ..eeh!?"
10403, "Tekken 4 rules"
10404, "Waoow. Happy Meal. I love Happy Meal!!"
10406, "Aaaah. Coca-Cola. Could it BEEE any better!"
10408, "This Big Mac tastes really good! Man.. I love McDonalds!!"
10409, "Whoohaa. This coffee is da bomb. Gotta have some more. Arrgh!!"
10410, "Yummie. This is really creamie. Mmm!!"
10411, "This Croissant got me thinking of my vacation in France last summer... Hmm."
10412, "This tastes gooood. I only hope that they don't bake this on a real panda!!"
10413, "Vhuhuu. A Starbucks Food Stand. YES!!"
10414, "Oh look. A coffee machine. I could really go for a cup right now. Thanx dj_pluffs!!"
10415, "This Cappuccino is great. Feels like i'm on drugs or something!!"
10518, "This Croissant got me thinking of my vacation in France last summer... Hmm"
10519, "This tastes gooood. I only hope that they dont bake this on a real panda!!"
10604, "Espresso Frappuccino.. Espresso Frappuccino.. Espresso Frappuccino.. What is this? Well anyway, I like it!"
10605, "Eehy. Starbucks Latte. Mmhmmm. Great taste. Gotta have more!!"
10606, "These balloons are cool, man."
10708, "This Subway Sandwich tastes great!"
10713, "This Dairy Queen Blizzard is SWEET!"
10715, "Dairy Queen sundae... Yay, my favorite!"
10717, "Yummm... A Dairy Queen Dilly Bar.  I love these!"
10719, "Dipped Cones are the best!"
10999, "Oh wow!  A Time Machine!  I wonder when it would send me?"
12011, "These balloons are cool, man."
12014, "Cool, now I can blow bubbles with this bubblegum."
12033, "The Chick-fil-A Picnic Table is a great place to eat your food."
12034, "I love the Chick-fil-A Picnic Table!"
13972, "I love this Beanie Baby."
13987, "This photo will give me a good memory of this zoo."
14106, "This Icee is nice and cool."
15006, "Oh my.. this was the best show ever. But whos Scott??"
15394, "I really enjoyed viewing that 3-D Cinema."
15426, "I have to have a Matchbox Car."
15428, "I love this Matchbox Car."
15434, "Good. Somewhere I can buy a map so I won't get lost."
15436, "I won't get lost now I have this map. I hope!!!"
15442, "A Taco sounds pretty good to me."
15444, "I love this taco. Nice and hot!"
15447, "A Balloon Stand. Cool."
15449, "These balloons are cool, man."
15452, "Hey look, a Bubblegum Dispenser!"
15454, "Cool, now I can blow bubbles with this bubblegum."
15458, "Just what I need for my sweet tooth! Cotton Candy."
15460, "This Cotton Candy melts just nice in my mouth."
15463, "I have to have a Beanie Baby."
15465, "I love this Beanie Baby."
15468, "Photos will look good in my album."
15470, "This photo will give me a good memory of this zoo."
15474, "I'm just starting to feel a bit hot. An Icee will go down fine."
15476, "This Icee is nice and cool."
15479, "A nice hot cup of coffee sounds nice to me."
15481, "I have soooo much energy I could tackle a Rhino!"
15484, "I'm just starting to feel a bit hot. A Sno Cone will go down fine."
15486, "This sno cone is nice and cool. Walking around your zoo is hot business!"
15493, "I loved that Camel. I want one for a pet!"
15506, "That Chicken in that shop looks alright."
15508, "This chicken is nice and crispy."
15511, "These Waffles look absolutely delicious!"
15513, "This Waffle is beautiful."
15516, "I could do with a nice long slurp of beer."
15518, "This beer is nice and cold."
15522, "I love Donuts."
15524, "This Donut is nice and yummy."
15527, "I could do with a small snack and these Pretzels will do just nicely."
15529, "I love these crunchy pretzels."
15538, "I love this Aquarium. Especially love the seahorses."
15544, "I loved watching those bats flying around my head."
15547, "A McDonald's! Just what I need; I'm hungry."
15549, "McDonald's food is just sooo tasty."
15552, "Oh, Candy Apples. I must buy one."
15554, "That Candy Apple was very sticky!"
15557, "Oh look, some yummy seafood."
15559, "That yummy seafood was delicious."
15562, "I need a souvenir to take home."
15564, "This souvenir will look good on the mantelpiece at home!"
15567, "A 3D movie looks like it would be cool to watch."
15569, "That IMAX movie was very, very cool."
15571, "This souvenir will look good on the mantelpiece at home!"
15573, "This souvenir will look good on the mantelpiece at home!"
15581, "That Hot Air Balloon ride was very exhilarating!!"
15592, "Great! An Applebee's Restaurant. I'm starving."
15594, "Strawberry Daiquiri, my favorite drink!"
15596, "Great, a nice glass of frosty beer will hit the spot!"
15598, "Great, a mudslide. An alcoholic dessert is perfect!"
15600, "Applebee's Ribs, mmmmmmmmm, my favorite!"
15602, "Just what I needed, a tasty Applebee's steak."
15606, "After this tasty cinnamon apple crisp, I will have to go on a diet."
15623, "I love these road blocks."
15626, "The Atlantean Bathroom was very nice."
18301, "Ah, a giftshop, just what I was looking for."
18303, "I am really gonna need this umbrella."


Guest thoughts - IDs in 20000 to 29999 range

23053, "The Pizza Hut Bench is a great place to eat your food."
25011, "Whooha.. That was kinda ..eehm ..disgusting. I really need to take a bath now!!"


Guest thoughts - IDs in 30000 to 39999 range

32723, "A cocktail is the perfect refreshment for a sunny, hot day!"
32754, "They sure do provide good homes for the animals. I wonder if they're kept inside when it is freezing, too."
32797, "Isn't it wonderful that they provide these wonderful places for us to use while we are here."
32814, "The Atlantia Museum was amazing!  I never knew such a civilization existed!"
32827, "This workshop is amazing, and so efficient. Now I understand how they are able to make so much stuff for the big trip."
32831, "Oh, they really do have eyes like a cat."
32865, "It's nice to know they are also researching the cancers that animals get. The research might help with humans too."
32878, "That guy is talented at making balloon animals. And his Pecos Bill is hilarious with the squirt guns & seemingly endless supply of broken teeth."
32898, "Win, lose or draw, this casino is a great place to have fun!"
32942, "I learned lots at the bear house, like sloth bears being the first dancing bears. They also look cool with long noses."
32963, "Oh, I love apples! I hope I can win the better prize."
32965, "I didn't know hula hand movements tells stories. That one of a pueo saving a King Kamehameha warrior was interesting."
32982, "Yeah, I got a high score!  What a great game!"
33190, "ChuckECheese Doll, he is sooooooo cute!"
33194, "oh boy!!! A ChuckECheeses Restaurant!"
33593, "That Drop Zone Ride ride was cool, I have got to ride that again!!"
33596, "I could almost see the whole zoo from the Space Needle!"
35930, "Nice cold fruit juice is just what I need to quench my thirst!"
35935, "I bet this place was quite beautiful at one time. Now it looks really creepy and smells kinda weird!"
36324, "The Dinopedia book contains info about every dinos there is."
37553, "Wow, the way these marsupials carry their young in their pouch is quite strange, but the Koalas are just too cute!"
37573, "These plants are so wonderful! Now, should I give them away or keep them?"
37592, "I love how hamsters store food in their pouches. The rats are cuter than I expected. The squirrels are so much fun as they leap!"
37656, "Wow! Great sounding frogs, cuddly bunnies, cute flying squirrels (which actually glide). But holding this baby turtle is the best!"
37682, "Wow! That was FUN!"
37727, "I just loved that bright red tomato frog that sat sooooo still. And that Golden-Mantella was such a bright yellow."
37747, "Wow! That Shark Research Center was really Interesting. I sure learned a lot about sharks."
37864, "Fortune: Of all the animals, the boy is the most unmanageable. - Plato"
37866, "Fortune: Originality usually comes to those who are thinking about something different. - Jay"
37869, "Fortune: Love is the anesthetic by which we endure the operation of life. - Jay"
37902, "The tapestry acrobatics, fire twirler, & body lifting were interesting; but the funny, fake boxing was the best Cirque de la Mer act."
37907, "That shop sells really nice gifts."
37915, "This bathroom is really clean."
37927, "I could almost see the whole zoo from the Space Needle!"
37932, "Wow, I got soaking wet on the Log Flume Ride!!"
37947, "My, oh, my... It actually seemed like the Flower Bus jumped a canyon."
37953, "Hey! That is the Administration Building from Zoo Admin!"
37963, "Those band-aids are so cool."
37964, "Wow! Those games are really tricky."
37967, "This underground tunnel makes viewing this zoo great!"
37973, "I wonder where Dr. Ricad is."
38198, "The Wicked Witch Castle was really spooky. I did not know that they used special brooms."
38231, "These stories of Tilghman, Hickok, the Earps and Mastersons, Baca, Bassett, Holliday, and others are very entertaining."
38237, "It is amazing what photographers go through to hide themselves in the wild. This sure is a tight fit."
38489, "That was fun, even though I got hit by a ball!!"
38494, "As awesome as at SeaWorld, I loved the long finale: different animals moving around the theater in interesting ways without trainers."
38732, "The Western Post Office looks exactly like in the western-period!"


Guest thoughts - IDs in 40000 to 49999 range

40111, "Wow! That was fun, and romantic!"
40112, "This is an awesome tour of the Museum. I'm seeing so many things and learning so much about the past."
40113, "Funnel cakes! I love funnel cakes."
40114, "This ride is so enjoyable. Oh Look!! I can see almost the whole zoo from way up here."
40115, "That was awesome I learned so much about the animal breeding programs, what they like, and where they live."
40116, "Whoa! That was just awesome learning all the steps for the dance moves. I wonder what other great discoveries I'll find in this zoo."
40117, "The Inn looks inviting, let's check out the rates and extend our stay."
40118, "This gentle ride is great. Even though it is spinning, I don't feel sick at all."
40119, "WOW! Those ice sculptures were magnificent. I would love to learn how to do that some day."
40200, "This Ferry Ride is sweet! I'm enjoying the view of the zoo from this river."
40201, "Oh my Word! These climbs weren't anticipated and the drops and turns almost make me sick, but so much fun."
40202, "WOW! This is fun! The sled moves so fast I can hardly see anything in the zoo."
40208, "This is a great way to see a lot of the zoo at one time. Oh look over there! Umm, is that a ...?"
40209, "WOW!! This view is fantastic. I can see almost the whole zoo from up here. Being able to see 360 degrees really shows how big the zoo is."
40210, "I never realized what goes into proper therapeutic care of zoo animals when they are sick or injured and need rehabilitation"
40211, "Whoa! I just jumped from there to here using this awesome tunnel!"
40212, "WOW!! This game really has a challenge to it. It's harder to win than I thought it would be."
40407, "Coca-Cola. The name says it all!!"
40526, "The sandfish skink looks like it's swimming in sand. It breathes sand particles with air between them & sneezes the particles out."
40527, "Look at the details on this! It is so great to see it up close!"
40539, "How exciting! Being able to actually touch sea creatures is an amazing experience!"
40540, "Oh wow! A butterfly just landed on me! This is so exciting!"
40541, "Look! An Entertainment Mall! So many activities to choose from. Which shall I engage in first?"
40542, "I am so glad there is glass between me and that cobra, as their spit is very accurate."
40543, "I didn't know marmosets chew through bark to get the tree gum."
40556, "Look at the agouti near the Feijoa. I heard Feijoa petals have an interesting taste: slightly sweet & hint of cinnamon flavor."
40557, "More than 70 of the Nazca Lines drawings are of animals in South America. Wow, that's a lot!"
40572, "I'll have to come back again, I really enjoyed my stay with this unique family."
40573, "The goblins are really creepy on the way to your money vault."
40574, "What a lovely Inn, and they served exquisite food and beverages as well. I'll have to come back."
40575, "Whoa I'm so dizzy, I think I'm gonna toss my cookies!! Where's the bathroom?"
40576, "My, that chameleon sure does have a long tongue! And did you see how far that gliding lizard went from one tree to another?"
40578, "I didn't know that the sacred scarab of Egypt was a species of dung beetle."
40579, "Ohhh, it feels funny when the ray sucks up fish from my hand."
40580, "These red pandas are soooo cute with their striped tail and masked face."
40581, "I didn't realize there are so many species of terrapins. I really enjoy learning about many of these small turtles."
40582, "Wow, I did not know skunks like eating honeybees."
40583, "I love the snowy owl's white plumage with black highlights. It is also interesting how far owls can turn their heads."
40584, "Those baby otters never seem to stop: running & swimming somewhere, looking at something briefly, then running & swimming elsewhere."
40585, "Look at all of these tadpoles and frogs! I really like the brightly colored ones, but they're usually so dangerous."
40586, "It is sad that species became extinct in modern times. Maybe I can do something to help prevent others from extinction."
40587, "Wow, I didn't know that scorpions were found on every continent except Antarctica."
40588, "Fascinating! I didn't know about the beautiful, spotted, nocturnal, smaller jungle cats like the Margay and Oncilla."
40589, "The Avondale spiders are fairly harmless to people, but I don't want to be near 374 of them like were in Arachnophobia."
40590, "It sure is fun using tongs to feed these long packhorse crayfish and watching them take the food elsewhere to eat."
40591, "I just love watching the meerkats as they stand guard over their habitat."
40592, "I wanna call and tell my friends about this great zoo!"
40633, "I loved being able to find out about oceanography and about the fascinating history of people and the sea."
40634, "Wow! I had no idea some carnivorous plants like the waterwheel and the bladderwort catch water creatures!"
40635, "Wow! Those butterflies are so beautiful with such brilliant wings. I enjoyed learning more about them."
40636, "Wow! School science should be that exciting! There is so much science in running a zoo!"
40638, "I enjoyed finding out how to avoid global warming, ozone depletion, and acid rain."
40639, "I had a great time finding out more about animals. And everyone was so friendly and answered all my questions."
40640, "Look at the different marine animals cooperating with one another, such as the shrimp and smaller fish cleaning larger fish."
40641, "I'm not hungry enough for a full meal, but I could sure go for something a little lighter. I'll see what this place has to offer."
40642, "I'm really enjoying this nursery. The baby animals are so cute!"
40643, "This is a convenient and relaxing way to get around."
40644, "Oh, good. They have healthy food choices here."
40645, "Weeeeeee!!!!!! This is fun!"
40646, "This is so peaceful before I get back to all of that walking."
40649, "This is a wonderful place for nature walks and the views are magnificent."
40651, "It is interesting that the Antarctic hair grass and Antarctic pearlwort are the only two flowering plants in the entire Antarctic."
40652, "What a wonderfully whimsical place to get away from the crowds!"
40654, "This is fun! It feels like we are really camping."
40655, "That rotten meat smell of the Hoodia plant certainly does its job at attracting flies, but it would keep me away."
40656, "Those lemurs sure are funny. I didn't know the females lead the group."
40657, "Gee, I had no idea that some penguins live near the equator, like the Galapagos penguin."
40658, "Oh, look how fast those bats can change direction as they fly."
40659, "The food here looks good. I think I will get something to take with me."
44999, "Great, a Hardees Stand, I'm starving."
45005, "Mmmmmmmmm These hamburgers are good."
45006, "These fries are tasty."


Guest thoughts - IDs in 50000 to 59999 range

57520, "I needed that energy jolt from this coffee! And these snacks taste great with it!"
57524, "These pottery pieces are magnificent! I can't wait to use them."
57525, "We can buy pumpkins here! Think of all we can do with them!"
57544, "This food tastes 'out of this world'!"
57545, "This tea really quenches my thirst!"
57546, "These look like fruit but have a very different taste. They are quite delicious!"
57547, "This drink tastes heavenly!"
57548, "These edible flowers look lovely and taste delicious!"
57549, "This gemstone has me feeling better already!"
57550, "This dragon makes me feel extra lucky!!"
57551, "This candle smells heavenly!"
57552, "This Lamarian Tribble is so cute!"
57553, "This Xanthian Rose Brooch seems so real!"
57554, "This equipment is awesome! This gift shop has everything I need for my activities."
57555, "Look at all these delicious goodies! What a yummy way to celebrate the day!"
57556, "It is said that a boomerang will return to the thrower. I'd like to put that theory to the test."
57557, "This musical instrument is amazing! I hope it doesn't take too long for me to learn to play it."
57558, "These gemstones are beautiful! I can't wait to have them made into several pieces of jewelry."
57559, "I just bought an amazingly useful accessory! Let the research continue!"
57560, "I'm so excited! I get to choose exactly what I want to eat for my meal!"
57561, "This Trick-or-Treat Bag is exactly what I need for Halloween night!"
57562, "Halloween is just not complete without a Jack-O-Lantern!"
57563, "This skull is really creepy!"
57564, "This decorative tin sure is pretty. And all of that hard candy looks soooo delicious!"
57565, "This is a great snowman plushie! I can't wait to take it home!"
57566, "Look at the snowflake on this mug! How cute! This mug will work great at home to keep my favorite hot drink heated for a long time."
57567, "I love the colors in this scarf! I am sure it will keep the chilly wind off of my neck."
57568, "I really like these mittens! My fingers will stay warm when it is cold out."
57569, "I love saltwater taffy! And I especially love that I can choose all of my favorite flavors!"
57570, "Ribbon candy is my favorite type of hard candy!"
57572, "I love this smorgasbord of beach entrees! It all tastes so delicious!"
57573, "I just bought an amazing beach gift! I can't wait to decorate my place with it!"
57578, "Whenever I look at this souvenir at home, it will always remind me of watching it being made for me."
57581, "The catfish was cooked to perfection! Nice and crunchy on the outside and moist and flaky on the inside."
57582, "If you are up for a new taste experience, I would recommend the crocodile steak."
57583, "Two of the five endangered cat species are in Borneo. I hope the research can help the bay cat and flat-headed cat there."
57584, "I am glad I tried the ostrich burger. It has quite a unique flavor."
57588, "This is yummy... Just the way I like it!"
57595, "I'm glad I bought the bag of pretzels. I can nibble on them for a while."
57596, "I just love to suck on the salt from this pretzel stick before eating the rest. It is like 2 treats in 1."
57597, "Mmmmm. This delicious soft pretzel is warming my tummy."
57603, "I can't wait to learn more about the animals on the DVD that comes with this stuffed jaguar."
57604, "I love to hug this big stuffed tiger."
57605, "This porcelain animal collection will look great on my shelf and the pamphlet is so informative."
57611, "Should I give this basket as a gift, or keep it all for myself? Mine, mine, mine!"
57614, "I can't wait to show everyone how pretty my egg is."
57616, "This healthy stuff is tastier than I thought it would be."
57618, "Mmmmm, such delightful fluffy sweetness."
57622, "Oh yeah! I love chocolate eggs! Which flavor should I choose?"
57623, "The ears are my favorite part to eat."
57624, "Look at the great selection on this salad bar! I can create my salad just the way I like it!"
57625, "Awesome! I really love this movie DVD!"
57626, "I need a new costume. Oh, here is one that fits my personality."
57628, "These strawberries dipped in chocolate are delicious!"
57629, "I really love the taste of this corn on the cob! I want to eat several more ears!"
57630, "A few of my friends really love assorted chocolates. I think I'll buy a box for each of them!"
57631, "This sweet snack is really delicious! I love elephant ears!"
57632, "Wow! These apples are delicious and they are good for me!"
57633, "I love drinking milk! It really quenches my thirst!"
57634, "I'm really hungry for a snack. I think I'll take a bite from this cheese wheel."
57635, "I'd like a yummy ice cream sandwich! I hope I can eat it all before it starts to melt."
57636, "Dippin' Dots are a great way to enjoy my favorite flavor of ice cream! This bowl of tiny frozen beads is so much easier to eat from than a messy cone."
57637, "These magazines are quite entertaining! I really enjoy reading the articles and looking at the ads."
57638, "I need to buy this newspaper! I'm lost without my daily news headlines."
57639, "I love to eat chocolates! Which piece shall I choose?"
57645, "Mmmm.......With the powdered sugar, these Oliebollen are delicious and soooo sweet."
57646, "I like to add cheese and pickles to my BBQ sandwich!"
57647, "I just love the roasted corn taste and strong aroma of these crunchy corn chips!"
57648, "I love the salty crunch of a fresh bag of potato chips!"
57654, "I am really enjoying my Toy Alien!"
57655, "This Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy will come in very handy on my trip to Orion's Belt!"
57688, "My friends will be amazed when they see me fly my new Starship Enterprise!"
57689, "Those aliens better not mess with me and my Noisy Cricket!"
57690, "I am so lucky to have this Star In A Bottle!"
57692, "This Chocolate Cake is making me feel so much better!"
57693, "Ahhh... I feel so satisfied!"
57694, "What a wonderfully tasty salad!"
57695, "I feel so comforted now!"
57696, "WOW! I feel 20 years younger!"
57698, "These BBQ branches are exquisite!"
57699, "Euell Gibbons must have loved the Pine Nut Salad!"
57700, "Cinnamon bark makes tantalizing cake!"
57701, "This apple juice tastes like it was made from the freshest apples picked right off the tree!"
57704, "What a beautiful ornament. It is such an accurate model of a manatee eating sea grass."
57705, "Wow! I think this is such a cool idea - a radio-controlled plesiosaur."
57706, "What a fabulous fossil fish! How amazing to think it was alive over 100 million years ago."
57707, "I love this really stylish ornamental clam and look forward to trying it out in my home."
57709, "Terrific! What a great combination of crunch and spiciness with hot, bitter coffee."
57710, "Yum! That was an excellent curry, with fragrant rice and fruity mango juice."
57711, "Mmm. I loved the crispy batter on the fish, the crunchy chips and the flavoursome tea."
57712, "Wow! That octopus and cool milky drink was truly delicious. I'd recommend it."
57714, "I've always wanted a plasma ball! I love the way the light inside the glass globe follows your hand."
57715, "What a brilliant microscope! I want to study all sorts of small items, from my cheek cells to mosquitoes."
57716, "Great! I want to use this net to capture small creatures, study them in the tank and put them back unharmed."
57717, "Yippee! This is a great chemistry set, with so many exciting things for me to do when I get home."
57719, "What a great idea! A simple solar phone charger so I don't have to plug my phone into mains electricity."
57754, "I can't help but smile after hearing the Laughing Kookaburra."
57755, "Never thought I'd be eating a toy shop, but it tastes yummy."
57756, "Mmmm, this train has yummy candy coal."
57757, "Yay! Gingerbread people! I enjoy biting off the heads first, since they are mouth size, and then eating the rest."
57762, "Wow! This Nile Nectar is really refreshing!"
57763, "The honey, nut topping on the Sahara Sundae makes the yogurt taste so yummy for my tummy!"
57764, "These Mummy Munchies are wonderfully spicy and sweet. I'll have to get the recipe!"
57765, "These Pharaoh Phranks make me feel like royalty!"
57768, "What a wonderful, high-quality, toy, wood-burning range, which reminds me that cooking can use renewable fuels."
57769, "I love the look of this model windmill, which will help me remember that wind power avoids acid rain."
57770, "Hey!  What a beautiful picture of rural tranquillity to remind me that water power avoids global warming."
57772, "I adore this tasteful china statue, such a superb memento of my visit to the zoo."
57773, "What a fabulous geometry set, really good quality and personalised with the zoo animals - great value!"
57774, "What a brilliant session on animals, their biology and upkeep, and what a lovely certificate as a keepsake."
57775, "Wow! I loved adopting one of the animals and getting this great certificate as a permanent reminder."
57778, "Wow! The combination of spices in this curry tastes wonderful."
57779, "This bread is fantastic! I wish I could take some home."
57781, "Wow! I haven't eaten Pink Elephant Popcorn in aaaaages! It's just as delicious as I remember!"
57782, "This box of candy looks really good.  I hope I don't eat it all before I get home."
57783, "This Teddy Bear is so soft and cuddly.  I love the big red heart on its chest."
57789, "Wow, this quilt has a lot of stitching detail! This will sure keep me warm when I need it and look great in my room."
57790, "I love this quilt. It will look great in my newly decorated, jungle style bedroom."
57791, "Now I know I'll be warm. And the information pamphlet says it's totally hand stitched, too."
57793, "Wow! This spicy fish is fabulous!"
57794, "Man! This Dr. Rick really does have a kick!"
57795, "Best crab legs I've ever eaten. What's the secret?"
57797, "It is relaxing just to sit here and watch the birds. Oh, wow... the endangered Egyptian Vulture, the Pharaoh's Chicken."
57798, "How strange, but delicious. It's sweet, yet tangy and tart at the same time."
57803, "I love my Petrified Egg!"
57804, "I love my Crows Nest that was made by real crows."
57805, "Natural remedies are the best!"
57806, "Oh, look. My remote-controlled hummingbird can fly backwards, just like real hummingbirds, the only bird type that can."
57807, "I love my Bronzed Maple Leaf; it will last forever!"
57809, "The Double Dolphin Statue is so beautifully detailed!  I can't wait to show it to my friends!"
57810, "Wow, this Atlantian male statue looks just like the one I saw in the Atlantia Museum!"
57811, "Next time I come here, I'll bring enough money to buy the matching sun statue."
57812, "I just love this Atlantia Sun Statue!  Such an interesting shape and texture!"
57814, "How interesting! This has been an amazing learning experience for me!"
57818, "Ohhh, this ornament is so pretty. It will look great on my Christmas tree."
57819, "Isn't this polar bear just the cutest! And look; he's dressed for the holidays."
57820, "What a cute snowman. It will make a great gift for Grandma."
57822, "Mm mm these candied snowflakes look delicious! Can't wait to get them home."
57823, "This candy cane is huge! Hope it's not too heavy to carry on my zoo tour."
57824, "My favourite sugar rush. I just love the sweetness of them."
57827, "Wow! I'm glad my entry fee is going to more research, as I learnt so much."
57831, "Cor Blimey!!! Will you look at that. Sure glad that ain't me!"
57843, "My Platy is going to love his new home!"
57844, "I think he just stuck his tongue out at me!"
57845, "My goldfish's little tail and big eyes are so cute!"
57846, "Hope my Betta is a lover, not a fighter."
57858, "Wow! Did you see that? They grind the beans just before they brew the coffee. That's a lot of work to make just one pot!"
57859, "Now this is what I call cookin'! It's just like Grandma used to make."
57860, "This juice tastes very good. I wonder if it's freshly squeezed."
57862, "Wooo, this drink sure has a delightful kick."
57863, "Mmm, baked beans seem to go with anything."
57865, "I am soooo lucky to see a phoenix. I just love the brilliant red and gold plumage."
57867, "I don't normally like veggies, but that lasagna was delicious!"
57868, "The Grilled Chicken Meal was the perfect choice. The chicken was so tasty, and even the Caesar salad was delicious!"
57869, "Did I read Chocolate Heaven on the menu description? I think I just died and arrived in that heavenly place."
57870, "The Prime Rib Meal was incredible! The meat was so tender it nearly fell apart, and the veggies were a perfect compliment to the meal."
57871, "These matching rings are just perfect!  I can't wait to share the second ring!"
57872, "I can enjoy some tasty drinks at home in this new goblet. It is a great find. Maybe I should visit again later so I can have a pair of goblets."
57873, "This Jeweled Crown is so pretty!  It will be a perfect birthday gift!"
57874, "Wow, look at the way the light reflects off of the colors of this bauble!  It's so cool!"
57875, "Wow, I never thought I'd find this addition to my collection in a zoo gift store. This will almost complete my medieval knights collection."
57897, "I love eating donuts! And this glass of milk is the perfect thirst-quencher to go with them!"
57898, "This information kiosk has some helpful facts and tips on this zoo."
57899, "This Irish soda bread is a delicious addition to my St Patrick's Day feast!"
57900, "This Irish stew is the best I have ever eaten!"
57901, "Cheers! Raise a glass of green beer to toast the Luck of the Irish!"
57902, "I love eating corned beef and cabbage on St Patrick's Day!"
57903, "Wow! This shamrock bracelet is great for celebrating St Patrick's Day!"
57904, "I hope this golden horseshoe brings me good luck!"
57905, "I am thirsty but do I dare drink this scary punch?"
57906, "Those eyeballs look scary, but this soup tastes good!"
57907, "These crunchy snacks are finger-licking good!"
57908, "Ghastly Goulash? Looks interesting. I think I will taste it."
57909, "Cool! My hot dog looks like a mummy."
57910, "Pumpkin-flavored pancakes are delicious!"
57911, "Do I dare taste this spider sandwich?"
57932, "Wow, I didn't know they named wagashi after a natural beauty and a word from ancient literature."
57942, "After a delicious Pharaoh Phrank from the Hungry Hippo Grill, I could really get a good night's sleep in this sarcophagus bed."
57960, "Drat! At least I won a cute stuffed witchy cat and yummy apple."
57961, "Wow! I did it! I won an adoption certificate for my own zoo animal!"
57963, "These shoes with wheels will make getting around easier. Interesting, the wheels engage with just slight foot tilts."
57965, "I'm glad I could take a nice shower and wash my clothes. I was starting to smell like some of these animals."
57968, "These will protect my eyes. Plus, the package says part of the price goes to the animal fund matching the design. Cool!"
57969, "I'm glad I found this bug spray! The mosquitos sure are irritating today."
57970, "I'm glad I found suntan lotion with an SPF of at least 15. I would not want to burn from this sun."
57972, "Wow, this drink being on fire actually reminds me of a volcano... And it tastes good, too."
57973, "My, I don't think I've ever had such a variety of fruit that has been so fresh before."
57974, "What an unusual taste. The coconut cream flavor really stands out."
57982, "Wow! What a kiss. I might have to come back later......but it is all for a good cause. LOL"
57988, "These small tools will come in handy."
57989, "Look! Now I can grow all the flowers that we saw at the zoo!"
57990, "How smart! What a great idea making animal poo fertilizer!"
57991, "These flowers will be beautiful in my garden."


Guest thoughts - IDs in 60000 to 62499 range

60890, "Awesome! I should be able to find something to mend my ripped clothing!"
60891, "Look at the variety here! I'm sure to find what I'm looking for!"
60894, "Wow! The variety here is amazing!"
60897, "Wow! I love all these sugar skull items. Which should I buy?"
60899, "I am so excited to take home my new plants!"
60900, "I am so excited to take home my new Bonsai tree! Any guesses as to how old it is?"
60901, "I love to pretend I'm a warrior when I use this decorative sword!"
60902, "The sound of the flowing water is very soothing!"
60903, "I love burning these fragrant incense sticks!"
60920, "I really enjoy this dried starfish!"
60921, "I am looking forward to playing my new ukulele!"
60922, "This abalone shell is quite beautiful!"
60923, "Remind me to be careful and stay away from sharks!"
60924, "I wonder how high I can fly this kite?"
60929, "These cocktails taste great! I need to be careful tho' and drink responsibly."
60930, "How interesting!  I never realized that there was so much to learn about horses!"
60931, "I was really hungry. They serve great food here!"
60933, "This book is awesome! I've learned so much about zoo animals and how they're taken care of by the zoo staff!"
60934, "I enjoyed learning about the nutritious food that the zoo animals are given. It was fun feeding them!"
60935, "That creepy clown is staring at me!  It moved!"
60950, "Yum!! I just love the salted peanuts from the food stand."
60951, "This is quite a big piece of meteorite. I wonder how it will look in the middle of my miniature rock collection."
61078, "Great! A Chick-fil-A Stand. I'm starving."
61081, "Mmmmmmmmm. This chicken sandwich is great."
61082, "These waffle fries are tasty."
61112, "Somebody threw a ball at my head in the ballpit, but that was sooooooooo much fun"
61115, "Wow, i got soaking wet on the Log Flume ride!!"
62493, "These fresh cut flowers are beautiful.  They smell wonderful, too."
62495, "This mini lamp is really neat. It will look great sitting on my desk."
62496, "I love the mini tent. It looks just like the real one."
62497, "This stuffed giraffe is so soft and cuddly. I can't wait to hug it at home."


Guest thoughts - IDs in 62500 to 65535 range

62510, "These fossils must be really old."
62511, "These shells are just wonderful."
62512, "the ZTUF Staff takes such good care of the animals, I am sure they will be healthy soon."
62513, "the ZTUF Staff is so helpful, they make ZTUF a great place to be."
62514, "The Rest Lodge was a great place to warm up again!"
62515, "Those Rock Formations were Fantastic."
62553, "This garter snake is gorgeous. Chameleons blending in are amazing. You must admire the Cobra flattening its hood as warning."
62558, "Oooh, this lemonade is so refreshing."
62559, "I love the pretzels in this snack mix."
62565, "I really wonder how they do these so they don't fall apart when you pick them up."
62567, "I never would have thought to put almonds in my noodles."
62573, "I love to play Ball toss! I can beat this game!"
62579, "Those Butterflies were amazing! That was fun!"
62580, "Wow! This place is fun and my swing is getting sooo much better."
62581, "Wow! An actual dig site at the zoo! Now I can hunt for artifacts. Maybe I can find something cool."
62584, "I am so glad there are vegetarian foods available here."
62585, "I love deep fried tofu. What an interesting way to have it."
62586, "Wow, I didn't know that aoi nori was blue seaweed flakes."
62588, "You can never go wrong with green tea."
62589, "I feel sooo refreshed and rejuvenated after that wonderful tea."
62590, "Ahhhhh!!!! This tea smells as wonderful as it tastes."
62591, "I wonder if drinking this Keemun tea will make me as wise as Confucius?"
62592, "I just loved that Iceni chariot re-creation of a battle against the Romans and it was soooo interesting to see how they lived back then."
62594, "My friends will be intrigued when they see this unusual sphere of ship's glass."
62595, "Oh, wow. This clock rings a bell on the hour just like they did on that cruise ship."
62596, "This bell will be perfect to call the family in from the outside for dinner."
62597, "My wall at home will no longer look so plain with this lighthouse clock hanging from it."
62632, "These fries are just the way I love them: thin, crispy outside and thick, soft, mouthwatering inside."
62633, "Wow. I love chocolate and this shake is sooooo thick and chocolaty."
62634, "Mmmmm. I love how this Cherry Coke seems to coat my tongue and throat with its sweet cherry flavor."
62638, "This dressed crab is wonderfully seasoned. I sure am enjoying eating it."
62639, "Mmmm. These cockles are warming the cockles of my heart."
62640, "I wonder if eating these mussels will help build up my muscles."
62641, "Wow. This sauce sure does add to the flavor of the prawns! I feel so energetic."
62644, "Oh, boy... animal feed! Now I can feed some animals, where I'm allowed."
62647, "These stones will be great additions to my collection."
62648, "Great! Now I will know if I strike gold. (LOL)"
62649, "I never knew turtles grew to be so old!"
62650, "Wow, this fossilized insect looks so real!"
62651, "This crystal is so beautiful. I have the perfect place to display it."
62653, "Arrr. Shiver my timbers. My picnics will always be fun with this picnic basket."
62654, "These lighthouse shakers are perfect for my collection."
62655, "This model yacht is amazing! The rudder really works. I can't wait to try it out on the pond."
62656, "Oh, look at all of these things used in lighthouses and on ships. How interesting... and unique."
62660, "This is the most delicious fish I have ever had. I wonder what seasonings were used?"
62661, "This seafood platter is great... just the right mix of fish, shellfish, and crustaceans."
62662, "This Calamari is cooked to perfection. What a fantastic way to prepare squid."
62663, "Mmmm, this cocktail is so tropical tasting. I feel like I'm at an island resort."
62664, "These Jellied Eels are a little strange, but I love the chance of sampling this English dish."
62666, "This rainbow sherbet is great. I really like being able to try all the flavors."
62667, "Mmmm, this lemon sherbet is perfect! Not too sweet, and not too tangy."
62668, "I'm so happy they had some raspberry sherbet! It's my favorite!"
62669, "This lime sherbet is so good, tart and tangy, yet nice and sweet."
62670, "This dragon sculpture is so beautiful! I know the perfect place to show it off."
62671, "Oh, WOW! What a great dragon t-shirt!"
62672, "This Moose Drool Beer sure hits the spot... hic."
62673, "Yumm... just what I needed: a juicy Llama Burger."
62676, "Neat! Now I can trade cards with my friends."
62677, "Oh, cool! A dragon I can take home with me!"
62678, "Like many critters from the Ark, this turtle will make a good pet."
62682, "Mmmmm, Ahhh. This Candy is Really Good, But Brrr, that Lady is Scary!"
62684, "The banana split was so good! I can't wait to come back and try the other desserts!"
62685, "That fudge was so creamy and delicious!"
62686, "Ahhh, the perfect hot fudge sundae."
62687, "That brownie hot fudge sundae was so rich, I loved it!"
62688, "Oh, wow! That milkshake was made with real strawberries!"
62690, "Wow! These everlasting gobstoppers are HUGE, and the machine gave me TWO of them!"
62696, "They're selling first aid kits. That's great; you never know when you might need one."
62697, "Oh, great! I've been wanting some numbweed, just in case."
62698, "Wow, a real firelizard egg. I really hope it hatches a gold firelizard, but I would still be extremely thrilled with a bronze!"
62699, "Oh, I can use this fire extinguisher for when that silly dragon of mine gets the hiccups."
62700, "Great, a dragon harness. I feel so much more secure with a harness on."
62701, "Wonderful. This dragon saddle is much nicer than my old one."
62703, "Sampling the Benden wine gave me a tingly sensation."
62704, "My tummy sure is full from the delicious roast wherry and tubers."
62705, "Mmmmm. This redfruit is not too sour or too sweet. It is between."
62706, "This hot klah will keep me warm from any numbing cold that I might encounter in Between."
62707, "The red berries in this bubbly pie are making me bubbly as well."
62709, "Ohh, I just love reading the Dragonriders of Pern series! Anne McCaffrey sure knows how to bring them to life!"
62710, "This brooch is sooo beautifully crafted! I can't wait to show it to my friends."
62747, "This is a terrible waste. When I get home I am sending a letter and doing what I can to stop this cruelty."
62752, "Mmm. Aaah. These fries are really good!!"
62776, "This figurine of Umbreon is very detailed."
62777, "This chime makes a really soothing sound."
62778, "I hope I get some new Pokemon in this pack!"
62779, "I love the cute sound this makes! Mew!"
62781, "He looks odd without his sunflower seed."
62782, "I love his panda markings!"
62783, "Little hamster, big adventures! Go Hamtaro!"
62784, "Bijou is so cute with her little ribbon."
62788, "Ewww! This giant spider really creeps me out! But I guess zoos should show all kinds of critters."
62789, "I love my Neopet plushie. It is sooo cuddly."
62809, "I love my Hat! Its plain but the band gives it some bling."
62810, "What a super looking hat. I think it makes me look very debonair."
62811, "Look at my cool new hat! I'm a funky leprechaun now. He! he! He!"
62813, "What a pretty pendant. It will make a great gift for one of my family members or friends."
62814, "I wonder if this clover really brings good luck? I sure hope so. Who do I give it to? Or keep it myself."
62815, "The emerald in this broach is beautiful! I hope my grandmother enjoys her special gift."
62819, "This is a neat Wolf Poster."
62820, "I can use the information in this wolf scroll for my animal project."
62821, "I love collector Plates and this wolf design will make a fantastic addition."
62839, "I can't wait to use this herbal mixture to gain insight in picking up and remembering facts faster and easier."
62856, "With this healing potion, I don't have to worry about bad health, although it wouldn't help me against dangerous animals."
62857, "Today is my lucky day, now that I have this luck potion. I'm glad it is herbal and not made from rabbits' feet."
62858, "I hope this potion will bring my soul mate and me even closer together than we are now, especially when we share our love of animals."
62864, "I got soaked with cold salt water from the splashes of those whales, just like at SeaWorld. I'll treasure both experiences forever!"
62866, "Fortune: Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop to look at it once in a while, you could miss it. - Ferris Bueller (M. Broderick)"
62867, "Fortune: Confucius say, 'Is stuffy inside fortune cookie.'"
62869, "Fortune: Life is to you a dashing and bold adventure."
62876, "Good, now I stop this bleeding."
62878, "I can't wait to get home and light the sky up with these."
62881, "These flowers are really colourful and beautiful!"
62886, "That dig area makes me wish I was married to an archeologist, someone that would be even more interested in me as I grow older."
62889, "Wow, what a great idea! I can't wait to learn about animals as I have fun building my own zoos in Zoo Tycoon."
62890, "This zoo map and guide will make this zoo trip even more fun than it has been already."
62891, "Now that I have seen so many interesting animals, I can't wait to get home and read about them in this book."
62893, "I overheard that someone named Katja loves these caramel sundaes. I see why. I love it, too, with the caramel on the top AND bottom!"
62894, "This delicious, hot apple pie makes me feel warm all over."
62895, "Mmm. Aaah. These fries are really good!!"
62896, "This Big Mac tastes really good! Man... I love McDonalds!!"
62897, "Drinking that Grog makes me feel full of life... but my bladder is feeling somewhat full as well."
62899, "My stomach is a little fuller and my throat is less dry after eating that Moon Cake. Yet I actually feel lighter."
62900, "I'm not as thirsty or hungry after drinking that Moon Juice. And I feel like I can walk on air."
62902, "The tiger show was great. I even learned Siberian tigers can eat bones, pulverizing them to dust, & their tongues are like sandpaper."
62907, "Wow, those Chinese Dancers do amazing acrobatics."
62908, "This Chop Suey is delicious."
62909, "I like the noodles in this Chow Mein."
62910, "This Rice Wine is just what I needed."
62911, "I really like the design on this kite."
62912, "Wow those fireworks are really pretty."
62915, "There is the restaurant. We will have an awesome view up there."
62916, "This ZA Feather Pen is cool. I can use it for my homework."
62917, "I love this zoo. I am going to frame this ZA Donation Certificate. It looks awesome."
62923, "Chuck E. Cheese Doll, he is sooooooo cute!"
62925, "I really love eating at the Rainforest Cafe. It's FUN!"
62927, "Oh, boy!!! A Chuck E. Cheese's Restaurant!"
62932, "Somebody threw a ball at my head in the ball pit, but that was sooooooooo much fun!"
62934, "This can of soda tastes really great! Cold and a rich taste!"
62936, "The salmon roe has a delightfully soft taste."
62937, "The cucumber roll is so refreshing and juicy."
62938, "The seawater eel makes me feel full, but not overstuffed. Fortunately, I will not feel full in 10 minutes. Other foods take forever."
62939, "Mmmmmmmmmmmm, delicious. The crab sushi is very fresh."
62942, "Aren't these tiger glasses simply wild!"
62943, "Maybe these elephant glasses will make me like an elephant and never forget, so I don't leave my sunglasses at home again."
62944, "These sunglasses are not the most stylish, but this sunlight was hurting my eyes."
62947, "Oh, look ... a sushi stand! I love sushi!"
62956, "Yum! This funnel cake is delicious."
62963, "Wow! The security guards kept everybody moving along."
62964, "The food looks excellent at the Arabian Restaurant."
62969, "This ice tea tastes different every time I take a sip."
62973, "Wow, they really take good care of their animals."
62984, "Now I have enough energy to see the rest of the zoo."
62985, "The food is great! I might come back and eat here again before I go home."
62986, "I really like Japanese treats."
62991, "These are awesome chicken fingers."
62996, "I did not know that there were so many different dinosaurs."
62997, "Wow, those were strange creatures."
63144, "I cannot wait to take home this candy cane! I just love the taste!"
63145, "This ornament is lovely!"
63146, "This adorable bear plushie is awesome! I cannot wait to take it home!"
63148, "I just love descriptions in this book. It has all the information I need."
63149, "Great! Now I can replace my old, worn out, and rusted tools at home."
63150, "These gloves will be great protection for my hands while working in my own garden."
63152, "That serving of Grilled Salmon was tasty. The chef explained heath benefits after our meal."
63153, "Sipping oysters from their shells was quite challenging but the taste was worth it."
63154, "The crispy crumbs stuck to the side of the shells were particularly delicious"
63155, "That Tropical fruit juice was real enjoyable. Not to sweet and not to tart."
63157, "This surfboard is awesome!  I can't wait to catch some waves!"
63159, "Awesome! Now I can mail my postcard using this cute pictorial stamp."
63160, "The picture on this postcard is beautiful. I'm sure my family and friends will enjoy receiving it in the mail."
63162, "This poster of Gandalf will look beautiful hanging above my low bookshelf in my room."
63163, "WOW! Such a great map showing everything in and around the Shire."
63164, "This book goes into great detail about how Middle Earth was created. I can't wait to read the whole book."
63165, "I can't wait to get home and read this book. I hope the zoo tour shows some of the places it mentions."
63166, "I love how fresh and juicy these fruits are. They taste so delicious. I want some more!"
63167, "This tea is so smooth and delicious. Not too sweet and so refreshing."
63168, "Mmmmmm! This lembas bread is wonderful and so energizing and I love the cinnamon taste of the pretzel."
63169, "Sugar Rush!! The cakes and marshmallows are good and I can lick on this lollipop while I finish my tour."
63170, "This burger is so good but I just can't discern the different tastes I'm experiencing while eating it."
63173, "The variety of flowers in this basket is beautiful. I sure hope my gift is liked."
63174, "This vase of flowers will make a great display on any table."
63175, "These flowers will make a great gift for Mom. I hope she likes them."
63184, "I never realized there were so many unique animals in the wizarding world."
63185, "I'll learn a lot about the herbs of the wizarding world from this book."
63186, "Some of these spells are really powerful. I hope my studies go well."
63187, "I'm looking forward to reading all about this historic school."
63188, "This shield wil look great hanging in my room. Lions are my favorite animal."
63189, "Ravens are a beautiful spieces of bird. My shield will be hung proudly at home."
63190, "I love badgers. I'm looking forward to displying this at home."
63191, "Professor Snape gave me this shield. I love the design of the snake."
63192, "I'll never be a wizard like Harry but it's nice to have this wand as a reminder of his  power."
63194, "These Peeps taste great. Now for the Chocolate. Mmmmm!"
63195, "My mom makes terrific apple pie just like this."
63196, "This is truly a tasty, old-fashioned stew."
63198, "Look! There's the contributor's center. Let's check for new members."
63200, "Hopefuly this wand doesn't break as easily as Ron's did."
63201, "Such beautiful carvings on this wand no wonder Hermione cherished it."
63202, "I can almost feel the evil of Voldermort in this wand, Kinda Creepy."
63203, "Such an intelligent look in this owl's eyes. I love his thick white plumage."
63204, "I just love ginger cats and this one has such a unique look to it's face."
63205, "I hope my mom isn't to creeped out with the new rat."
63206, "I love constrictor snakes. I hope it doesn't grow to big for me to care for."
63207, "Now I can buy some of the Wizarding World goods from the store proprietors."
63222, "Mmm, these ribs are wonderful. They are so tender that the meat easily comes off the bones."
63225, "If I practice enough, I wonder if I can become as good at throwing this lasso as I see at rodeos."
63226, "These boots make me feel like a real zookeeper or rancher."
63227, "With this sun, I'm glad I was able to find this hat to shield my eyes and help keep my face from sunburning."
63228, "What an amazing work of art with so much meaning! It is the perfect blend of art, history, technology, and geography."
63231, "I wonder if I will see happy little bluebirds flying beyond this rainbow tunnel."
63235, "That is a great collection of site history and this Ogre memento is so cute."
63237, "Wow!! So that is how they hold the horse so they don't get kicked while putting the shoe on."
63480, "Now that I have more money, I can do more fun things!"
63483, "I love basketballs! They are so much fun to dribble!"
63484, "I love the stuffed beluga whale. It looks so happy, just like a real one."
63485, "Manatees may be endangered, but it will exist forever in my home."
63487, "Look at the spectacular colors in the coral reef painting."
63488, "This stingray has eyes on top and a mouth underneath, just like a real one."
63489, "Wow, this game is cool, even though the aliens got me!!"
63490, "Yummmm. Hard, sweet candy; soft, refreshing apple."
63494, "What a sensation... moving just by leaning while riding on air."
63551, "I always wondered how the animals were cared for during the winter months. The zoo staff members make sure all of the animals stay warm, exercise, and have plenty of food and water."
63676, "Can't wait to get this home and hang it up for all to see."
63734, "I will surprise my sweetheart with roses!"
63736, "My sweetheart will love these chocolates!"
63746, "With this Heartshaped Amulet, my sweetheart will always remember me."
63907, "I love the displays in the Jewelry Shop. This assorted jewelry I got will make great gifts."
63908, "This jewelry box is so beautiful. The artist put a lot of detail in the design."
63909, "These puff pastry deserts sure are scrumptious! I could eat a dozen."
63910, "Yummy! The blueberry and lemon Danish are my favourites."
63996, "I love this hibiscus tea. It's sweet, but slightly tangy."
64311, "I love pepsi. It's much better than Coca Cola. Much much better!!"
64313, "Oh my God.. This Honey BBQ is the best ever!!"
64315, "This KFC Twister is good. Mmm. I love it!!"
64317, "Oooh.. Yepp.. This must be the Original Recipe. I love it!!"
64319, "Klunk Klunk Klunk... Aaaaah.. Pepsi Twist is THE best!!"
65519, "Oouuhh. This can of 7up taste sooo good"