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Are your animals unhappy?

Started by fern, August 10, 2007, 01:37:14 AM

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Are your animals unhappy? Use this checklist to make sure all of their needs are being met:

1. Did you pick the right terrain?
Look closely at the green smiley face/red sad face feedback that appears when you place objects in an exhibit with an animal present. Some animals prefer to have more than one type of terrain in their exhibit and want it in just the right amounts of each.

2. Is the proper type and amount of foliage in the exhibit?
Read the information about the animal carefully to know what to place.

3. Are there too many animals in the exhibit?
Some animals are happy with large groups; others will not tolerate it. Also, if there are too many animals in an exhibit, some of the animals will become sick. Try building new exhibits and placing the extra animals in them.

4. Are zookeepers too busy?
If there are too many exhibits and not enough zookeepers, the zookeepers won?t be able to clean cages and tend to sick animals, which will make the animals unhappy. Hire more zookeepers or reduce the number of exhibits.

5. Is the terrain suitably flat or hilly?
Some animals like flat or smooth terrain and other animals need rough or hilly terrain to be happy. Carefully read the in-game information about the animal to know how to fix the terrain.

6. Is the exhibit clean?
If the zookeepers are too busy, they won?t be able to clean exhibits quickly before the animals become unhappy.

7. Is the exhibit big enough?
Some animals demand lots of room and others are comfortable in small exhibits. Carefully read the information about the animal to find out if you need to build a bigger exhibit.

For information specific to each animal, click on the animal and then click the zookeeper recommendations button on the animal information panel.

(Part of the ingame info by Blue Fang)