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How can I Rename a file so it can be extracted and edited?

Started by Yellowrose, August 09, 2007, 07:47:44 AM

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When you want to edit a ZTD file the file first needs to be extracted so you have access to the folders and files held within. To do this the original ZTD file will have to be renamed with the .zip extension.

To rename a file follow these simple steps:

1. Right click on the file and go to Rename

2. When the window opens that allows you to edit click 2 times at the very end of the extension.

3. Use the backspace key on your keyboard to delete the 3 letters for the extension.

4. Type zip to change a file from a ztd file to a zip file or type ztd to change from a zip file to a ztd file.

5. Click the OK button.


When changing from a .zip extension to a .ztd extension while using Windows you will get a messege popup advising you that windows can not read the file and asking you if you are sure you want to change the file's extension. Just click the YES button. When changing from a zip file to a ztd file we want Zoo Tycoon to read the file not Windows.
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