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Exhibit fence behaviours

Started by fern, August 07, 2007, 11:30:24 PM

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What each fence does in terms of animal containment and animal privacy

Original ZT exhibit fences:
chaincon (Concrete Chain Fence) - not climbable; not jumpable; see through
chainlnk (Chain-link Fence) - climbable; not jumpable; see through
concrete (Concrete Fence) - not climbable; not jumpable; not see through
glass (Plexiglass Fence) - not climbable; not jumpable; see through
postrail (Post and Rail Fence) - climbable; not jumpable; see through
rockwall (Rock Wall Fence) - climbable; not jumpable; not see through
rockwin (Rock Window Fence) - climbable; not jumpable; see through
smchacon (Low Concrete Chain Fence) - climbable; jumpable; see through
smchain (Low Chain-link Fence) - climbable; jumpable; see through
smconcre (Low Concrete Fence) - climbable; jumpable; not see through
smglass (Low Plexiglass Fence) - not climbable; jumpable; see through
smrail (Low Post and Rail Fence) - climbable; jumpable; see through
smrock (Low Rock Wall Fence) - climbable; jumpable; see through
smstkfen (Low Stick Pole Fence) - climbable; jumpable; not see through
smwdslat (Low Wooden Slat Fence) - climbable; jumpable; see through
smzoobar (Low Iron Bar Fence) - climbable; jumpable; see through
stickfen (Stick Pole Fence) - climbable; not jumpable; not see through
stickwin (Stick Pole Window Fence) - climbable; not jumpable; see through
woodslat (Wooden Slat Fence) - climbable; not jumpable; not see through
woodwin (Wooden Slat Window Fence) - climbable; not jumpable; see through
zoobars (Iron Bar Fence) - not climbable; not jumpable; see through

DD exhibit fences:
dbar (Concrete and Iron Bar Fence) - not climbable; not jumpable; see through
dconc (Reinforced Concrete Fence) - not climbable; not jumpable; not see through
dglas (Reinforced Concrete and Glass) - not climbable; not jumpable; see through
dzbar (Electrified Iron Bar Fence) - not climbable; not jumpable; see through
dzchn (Electrified Chain-link Fence) - not climbable; not jumpable; see through

MM exhibit fences:
tank1 (Black Bar and Glass) - not climbable; jumpable; see through
tank2 (Concrete Edge and Glass) - not climbable; jumpable; see through
tank3 (Striped Scooped Edges & Glass) - not climbable; not jumpable; see through
tank4 (Striped Wavy Edges and Glass) - not climbable; not jumpable; see through
tank5 (Solid Concrete) - not climbable; jumpable; not see through
tank6 (Striped Wavy Edges&Gunite) - not climbable; not jumpable; not see through
tank7 (Angled Railing and Glass) - not climbable; not jumpable; see through

CC (from official downloads) exhibit fences:
atltank (Atlantean Tank Wall) - not climbable; jumpable; see through


Expanded info by Blue Fang

Original ZT exhibit fences:

Concrete Exhibit Fence
Strongest, but expensive. Only the strongest animals can break it by repeated bashing. Primates cannot climb it and animals can't jump over it. Guests cannot see into an exhibit made only with concrete fencing.
Fence life: one year, nine months to four years, five months.

Iron Bar Exhibit Fence
Very strong, but expensive. Only the strongest animals can break it by repeated bashing. Primates cannot climb it and animals can't jump over it. Allows guests to see into exhibits.
Fence life: one year, eight months to four years, two months.

Rock Exhibit Fence
Strong, but expensive. Only the strongest animals can break it by repeated bashing. Primates can climb it, but animals can't jump over it. Guests cannot see into exhibits made only with rock fencing.
Fence life: one year, eight months to four years, two months.

Windowed Rock Exhibit Fence
Strong, but expensive. Only the strongest animals can break it by repeated bashing. Primates can climb it, but animals can't jump over it. Allows guests to see into exhibits.
Fence life: one year, eight months to four years, two months.

Concrete Chain Exhibit Fence
Strong, but expensive. Only the strongest animals can break it by repeated bashing. Allows guests to see into exhibits.
Fence life: one year, eight months to four years, two months.

Plexiglass Exhibit Fence
Strong, but expensive. Only the strongest animals can break it by repeated bashing. Primates cannot climb it and animals can't jump over it. Allows guests to see into exhibits.
Fence life: one year, seven months to three years, eleven months.

Low Concrete Exhibit Fence
Very strong, but almost all animals may jump over it if there is no other barrier. Low fences allow guests to see into exhibits.
Fence life: one year, five months to three years, seven months.

Low Iron Bar Exhibit Fence
Very strong, but almost all animals may jump over it if there is no other barrier. Low fences allow guests to see into exhibits.
Fence life: one year, five months to three years, seven months.

Low Rock Exhibit Fence
Strong, but almost all animals may jump over it if there is no other barrier. Low fences allow guests to see into exhibits.
Fence life: one year, five months to three years, seven months.

Low Concrete Chain Exhibit Fence
Very strong, but almost all animals may jump over it if there is no other barrier. Low fences allow guests to see into exhibits.
Fence life: one year, five months to three years, seven months.

Low Plexiglass Exhibit Fence
Strong, but almost all animals may jump over it if there is no other barrier. Low fences allow guests to see into exhibits.
Fence life: one year, five months to three years, seven months.

Post and Rail Exhibit Fence
Average strength and price. Primates may climb it, but animals can't jump over it. Stronger animals may bash through it.  Allows guests to see into exhibits.
Fence life: one year, five months to three years, seven months.

Wooden Slat Exhibit Fence
Average strength and price. Primates can climb it, but animals can't jump over it. Guests cannot see into an exhibit made only with wooden slat fencing.
Fence life: one year, five months to three years, seven months.

Windowed Wooden Slat Exhibit Fence
Average strength and price. Primates can climb it, but animals can't jump over it. Allows guests to see into an exhibit.
Fence life: one year, five months to three years, seven months.

Stick Pole Exhibit Fence
Weak strength, but inexpensive. Primates may climb out and animals may jump over it. Strong animals can bash through it. Guests cannot see into an exhibit made only with stick pole fencing.
Fence life: one year, five months to three years, seven months.

Windowed Stick Pole Exhibit Fence
Weak strength, but inexpensive. Primates may climb out and animals may jump over it. Strong animals can bash through it. Allows guests to see into an exhibit.
Fence life: one year, five months to three years, seven months.

Low Post and Rail Exhibit Fence
Weak strength, and almost all animals may jump over it if there is no other barrier. Low fences allow guests to see into exhibits.
Fence life: one year, four months to three years, four months.

Low Wooden Slat Exhibit Fence
Weak strength, and almost all animals may jump over it if there is no other barrier. Low fences allow guests to see into exhibits.
Fence life: one year, four months to three years, four months.

Low Stick Pole Exhibit Fence
Weak strength, and almost all animals may jump over it if there is no other barrier. Low fences allow guests to see into exhibits.
Fence life: one year, four months to three years, four months.

Chain-link Exhibit Fence
Weak strength, but inexpensive. Primates may climb it, but animals can't jump over it. Allows guests to see into exhibits.
Fence life: one year, three months to three years, one month.

Low Chain-link Exhibit Fence
Weak strength, and almost all animals may jump over it if there is no other barrier. Low fences allow guests to see into exhibits.
Fence life: one year, one month to two years, nine months.

DD exhibit fences:

Electrified Iron Bar Fence
Strongest fence, but very expensive. Only the strongest dinosaurs can break it after the fence is no longer electrified. Primates cannot climb it and animals can't jump over it. Allows guests to see into exhibits.
Fence life: two years and one month to five years and three months.

Electrified Chain-link Fence
Extremely strong, but very expensive. Dinosaurs can break it after the fence is no longer electrified. Primates cannot climb it and animals can't jump over it. Allows guests to see into exhibits.
Fence life: two years and one month to five years and three months.

Reinforced Concrete Fence
Extremely strong, but very expensive. Only very strong dinosaurs can break it by repeated bashing. Primates cannot climb it and animals can't jump over it. Guests cannot see into an exhibit made only with reinforced concrete fencing.
Fence life: one year and eleven months to four years and nine months.

Reinforced Concrete & Iron Bar Fence
Extremely strong, but very expensive. Only very strong dinosaurs can break it by repeated bashing. Primates cannot climb it and animals can't jump over it. Allows guests to see into exhibits.
Fence life: one year and nine months to four years and five months.

Reinforced Concrete & Glass Fence
Extremely strong, but very expensive. Strong dinosaurs can break it by repeated bashing. Primates cannot climmb it and animals can't jump over it. Allows guests to see into exhibits.
Fence life: one year and nine months to four years and five months.

MM exhibit fences:

Black Bar and Glass Exhibit Tank
Strong, moderately priced. Great for all aquatic animals. Tank walls are not recommended for animals and dinosaurs, as they can easily jump over it if there is no other barrier.
Fence life: Does not decay.

Concrete Edge and Glass Exhibit Tank
Strong, moderately priced. Great for all aquatic animals. Tank walls are not recommended for animals and dinosaurs, as they can easily jump over it if there is no other barrier.
Fence life: Does not decay.

Striped Scooped Edges and Glass Show Tank
Strong, moderately priced. Good for animals Shows only. Tank walls are not recommended for animals and dinosaurs, as they can easily jump over it if there is no other barrier.
Fence life: Does not decay.

Striped Wavy Edges and Glass Show Tank
Strong, moderately priced. Good for animals Shows only. Tank walls are not recommended for animals and dinosaurs, as they can easily jump over it if there is no other barrier.
Fence life: Does not decay.

Concrete Exhibit Tank
Strong, moderately priced. Great for all aquatic animals. Tank walls are not recommended for animals and dinosaurs, as they can easily jump over it if there is no other barrier.
Fence life: Does not decay.

Striped Wavy Edges and Gunite Show Tank
Strong, moderately priced. Good for animals Shows only. Tank walls are not recommended for animals and dinosaurs, as they can easily jump over it if there is no other barrier.
Fence life: Does not decay.

Angled Railing and Glass Show Tank
Strong, moderately priced. Good for animals Shows only. Tank walls are not recommended for animals and dinosaurs, as they can easily jump over it if there is no other barrier.
Fence life: Does not decay.

The following fences cannot be used to contain animals in exhibits, but guests will enjoy viewing them when they're used in landscaping:

Cast-iron Decorative Fence

Brick Decorative Fence

Picket Decorative Fence

Hedge Decorative Fence

White Decorative Fence

Post and Rope Decorative Fence

The following fence types cannot be used to contain animals but can be used as boundaries for water attraction buildings:

Bouy and Rope Fence



Some fences are stronger and last longer than others. Fences that are best able to resist bashing by animals, listed from strongest to weakest, are: electrified iron bars, electrified chain-link, reinforced concrete, reinforced concrete & iron bars, reinforced concrete & glass, concrete, bar, rock, chain, glass, post/rail, wood, stick, and chainlink fence types. Fences also wear out over time. The fence types that last the longest, listed from most durable to least durable, are: electrified iron bars, electrified chain-link, reinforced concrete, reinforced concrete & iron bars, reinforced concrete & glass, concrete, iron bar, chain-link, glass, rail, stick, bar, rock, and wood. It's important to note that the larger the fence, the sooner it will wear out. So, a tall chain fence won't last as long as a short chain fence, for example. Use maintenance workers to repair fences or replace fence segments yourself.

Note: The electrified fences are dangerous to guests. Don't electrocute your own guests!


FILTER HELP by Blue Fang

Tank filters are a handy alternative to having marine specialists clean tank water, but filters have a monthly upkeep fee and require periodic service from maintenance workers. To function correctly, a tank filter must to be placed directly adjacent to an exhibit tank or a show tank outside of the wall.