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Explanation of the suitability guide in many animal listings

Started by Jay, February 27, 2013, 03:01:44 AM

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This shows information for the 2022-10-29 version of the animal checker and suitability guide programs.

Note: The animal checker programs can show errors, warnings, or efficiency messages. Efficiency messages do not affect how the animal works in ZT. They are messages for the animal's creator in case the creator wants to make the ".ztd" or ".uca" smaller. Technically, inefficiencies make ZT go slower. But most inefficiencies, will not be noticed while ZT is running. Warning messages could affect how the animal works in ZT. But that does not mean they will affect how the animal works in ZT. And even if they do affect how the animal works in ZT, it could be minor, such as not showing a tooltip for the preferred object for the female or young animal. Error messages indicate things that might cause some versions of ZT to crash or cause the animal to be invisible in some versions of ZT. However, that does not mean all versions of ZT will have problems with the animal, and maybe no version of ZT will have problems, since it is possible that particular configuration might never be triggered.

Many animal listings here at ZTCDD have additional info posts that show a suitability guide for the animal. The program used to create that guide is one I created called uca2post. That program looks at the configuration file for an animal to determine what ZT thinks an animal likes and then uses that information to determine how to create the most suitable exhibit for a minimum number of animals, while still allowing at least 2 of the animal for breeding. That program is based on an earlier program I wrote called checkuca, which is available at Zookeeper's Lounge. But the programs were made for different purposes. checkuca was made for designers and so tries to promote good designing practices. That means it might not show all ZT objects that an animal likes or might not show the most suitable exhibit for the animal. uca2post was made for those playing Zoo Tycoon. So it is closer to how ZT works. Still, it might not show the most suitable exhibit for the animal due to rounding in the math, since I do not know how ZT rounds things in its math. But even the times when the suitability guide is not perfect, it should be close to what ZT expects. The current version of uca2post shows more things than earlier versions of uca2post.

Newer additional info posts might also show some problems detected within the ".ztd" itself. Multiple programs are used to do this, but they are collectively called checkztd.

The following information is shown with the current versions of checkztd and uca2post:

1. The ".zip" file name and ".ztd" file name are shown.

2. The checkztd set of programs might show errors, warnings, or efficiency messages for the ".ztd". In some cases, counts of Warnings or Efficiency Messages are shown instead of showing the specific Warnings and Efficiency Messages. In some cases, the checkztd set of programs are not run.

3. A "Results From Configuration Checking" line is shown, with the date of the checker version. That helps to know if the most recent checker version is being used. This line is the start of the information from the uca2post program.

4. The ".uca" or ".ai" file name is shown with its date and time. That is the file name of the animal's configuration. Since the world has different time zones, the date and time that is shown might be up to one day different than the date and time you see on the file you have.

5. The uca2post program might show errors, warnings, or efficiency messages for the ".uca" or ".ai" configuration file. In some cases, counts of Warnings or Efficiency Messages are shown instead of showing the specific Warnings and Efficiency Messages. The uca2post program does not check all possible things in the configuration, so an animal might still cause ZT to crash or do unanticipated things. But the most common problems are checked.

6. The Animal Type is shown, which usually is the same as the ".uca"  or ".ai" file name.

7. If the name of the animal is inside the configuration (which it is for nearly all user made animals), the name of the animal is shown. When possible, this is the name in English.

8. If English animal info (1033.txt file) is found, the first paragraph of it is shown. The number of other paragraphs is also shown.

9. Animal Characteristics are shown. This includes the Habitat, Location, Cost, Crowd number, ZT Family, ZT Genus, Minimum happiness needed for chance of breeding, and possibly more characteristics, depending on the animal. The additional characteristics that might be shown are Era, Bash Strength, whether it Lays eggs, whether it breeds, Preferred shelter, fence heights it can crush, whether it Tests electrified fences, whether it needs a scientist or marine specialist, whether a DRT Base can be used if it escapes, whether it can swim in water terrain or tanks, minimum tank depth needed, whether it has to stay in tanks, whether it can jump or climb fences, whether it can climb cliffs, whether it can walk over small objects, and whether it uses expansion pack food.

10. Exhibit Preferences are shown. This shows which foliage and rocks the animal likes or specifically tolerates. It might also show shelters and other objects that the animal specifically likes or specifically tolerates.

11. Exhibit Construction is shown. This shows how many animals may be in the exhibit, the minimum number of squares/tiles that each adult animal wants, and what exhibit size, terrain, foliage, rocks, and elevation are needed for the smallest possible exhibit for the animal.

Most of the suitability guide should be self-explanatory, but some things might not be. So here is an explanation for some of those things:

- The ZT Family and ZT Genus are not the same as the scientific Family and Genus, although often they are similar. ZT uses the ZT Family and ZT Genus to make it easier for a creator to say what other animals this animal likes or dislikes.

- There is research that increases the chance of breeding for animals and, when that research is done, an animal that does not breed without that research might then be able to breed, although also might not, depending on the animal configuration. The suitability guide says "This animal does not breed initially, but might if appropriate research is completed in ZT." if an animal does not breed initially but can when the appropriate research is done. For the current version of uca2post, the suitability guide says "This animal does not breed." if the animal cannot breed even if the research is done. Older versions of uca2post showed "This animal does not breed." whether the animal could never breed or the animal could not breed initially but could with research.

- Sometimes the suitability guide shows what the animal configuration has for the Preferred shelter. But many of ZT's shelters do not allow user made animals unless a hack is used for ZT's shelters. If the Preferred shelter is one of those shelters, then the suitability guide also shows the "Preferred ZT shelter allowing any animal without hack", if there is one. The Preferred shelter might be a user made shelter, since the suitability guide knows names for 26 user made shelters. But some of these names are used by more than one user made shelter, with the shelters taking different amounts of space. When the suitability guide calculates how much the animal likes something, it takes space into account, just like ZT does. For user made shelters, the suitability guide uses the space for the oldest shelter using each shelter name. So there could be better shelters to use than the one shown as the Preferred shelter. Also, although a "Preferred shelter" or "Preferred ZT shelter allowing any animal without hack" might be shown, the animal might not be configured to need shelters or to use shelters.

- When the suitability guide says "Animal can jump.", the animal's exhibit should not be enclosed by a fence that can be jumped.

- When the suitability guide says "Animal can climb objects.", the animal's exhibit should not be enclosed by a fence that can be climbed.

- Currently, the Exhibit Construction section only mentions ZT objects and not user made objects.

- Sometimes the Exhibit Construction section might show 0 for a terrain, foliage, or rock. That means none of that terrain, foliage, or rock is needed for the minimum size exhibit, but it might be needed for a larger exhibit. If an animal does not want foliage or rocks, then "No foliage should be used." or "No rocks should be used." will be shown instead.


The following are the Errors and Warnings that could be shown before the "Results From Configuration Checking" line. The following list is in alphabetical order, with Errors before Warnings.

***** Error: ....pal is not in ztd.

".pal" files contain colors for ZT animations. If ZT tries to show a ZT animation and cannot find the ".pal" file used by that ZT animation, ZT will crash.

***** Error: ".ani" dir1 setting of ... is not in ztd.

".ani" files tell ZT where to find ZT animations. If ZT sees an ".ani" file, but cannot find its ZT animation when ZT wants to show that ZT animation, ZT will crash.

***** Error: Pal file path has backslash.

Each ZT animation file says which ".pal" file contains its main colors and where that ".pal" file is. That information is supposed to contain slashes instead of backslashes. Although MS Windows can handle either, when ZT is run in other operating systems, ZT will crash when it tries to show a ZT animation containing backslashes in the ".pal" file path.

Warning: ... does not have internal name ....

Nearly all user made animals put the animal info information in ".txt" files. The animal configuration says where to find those ".txt" files. Those ".txt" files should be in some subfolder of this animal's folder instead of a subfolder of some other animal's folder. Otherwise chances for a conflict increase, where the wrong animal info could be shown.

*** Warning: ... is not in ztd.

The animal configuration says what animation, sound, and animal info files are specific to this animal. Those files should be in the same ".ztd" that has the animal configuration. If ZT cannot find those files, it skips those lines in the configuration. That might cause the animal to stand still doing nothing more often than intended.

The following are the Efficiency messages that could be shown before the "Results From Configuration Checking" line. These messages say how the ".ztd" file could be smaller.

* Efficiency: ... not in uca, so not needed.
* Efficiency: ....pal not used, so not needed.
* Efficiency: ....txt is duplicate of another.


The following are the Errors and Warnings that could be shown after the "Results From Configuration Checking" line. The following list is in alphabetical order, with Errors before Warnings.

***** Error: cFamily setting is less than 5200.

A cFamily setting indicates the family group for the animal, such as Primate or Canine, although in number form. When this setting is negative, the animal might be invisible in anything except the original ZT. All family groups that come with ZT use numbers that are 5200 or higher.

***** Error: cNameID is set to 19000, but there is no [defaultLCID] section.

When cNameID is set to 19000, that tells ZT that the configuration includes at least one language section. No configuration includes every language in the world. A [defaultLCID] section with an LCID setting is needed in the configuration to say which language to use when a person's ZT is for a language that is not specifically configured for this animal. When that is needed, but it is not there, ZT will crash. Usually downloads from English web sites will contain configurations for U.S. English. So for those downloads, this error will say that ZT might crash for people who are not using the U.S. English version of ZT. But if the download is from a non-English site, this error might cause ZT to crash also for those using English versions of ZT.

***** Error: cNameID is set to 19000, but there is no LCID setting.

When cNameID is set to 19000, that tells ZT that the configuration includes at least one language section. No configuration includes every language in the world. So an LCID setting is needed in the configuration to say which language to use when a person's ZT is for a language that is not specifically configured for this animal. When that is needed, but it is not there, ZT will crash. Usually downloads from English web sites will contain configurations for U.S. English. So for those downloads, this error will say that ZT might crash for people who are not using the U.S. English version of ZT. But if the download is from a non-English site, this error might cause ZT to crash also for those using English versions of ZT.

***** Error: cSwims is not 0, but there is no [AmbientAnimsWater] section.

This means that the animal is configured to say it can use water terrain, but it is not configured to say what to do when the animal is on water terrain while it has nothing specific to do. When that configuration is missing, ZT might crash when the animal is on water terrain.

***** Error: cSwims is not 0, but there is no 'water_idle=' action setting.

This means that the animal is configured to say it can use water terrain, but it is not configured to say what to do when the animal is placed on water terrain. Since ZT will not know what to do, the animal will stand on the water terrain. Often when water_idle is not defined, however, the configuration also does not say how to get the animal to land. When that is missing, ZT might crash when the animal is on water terrain.

***** Error: cSwims setting is not 0, but there is no 'swim=' action setting.

This means that the animal is configured to say it can use water terrain, but it is not configured to say how to move the animal on water terrain. When ZT does not know how to move the animal to get it onto land, ZT might crash when the animal is on water terrain.

***** Error: LCID is set to ..., but [...] section does not exist.

No configuration includes every language in the world. So an LCID setting is needed to say which language to use when a person's ZT is for a language that is not specifically configured for this animal. When that is needed, but it is not there, ZT will crash. Usually downloads from English web sites will contain configurations for U.S. English (which should be in [1033] sections). So for those downloads, this error will say that ZT might crash for people who are not using the U.S. English version of ZT. But if the download is from a non-English site, this error might cause ZT to crash also for those using English versions of ZT.

***** Error: There is no cBashStrength setting.

A cBashStrength setting indicates how strong the animal is. When this setting is missing, the animal might be invisible in ZT or the animal might go through all fences when running a ZT expansion pack.

***** Error: There is no cFamily setting.

A cFamily setting indicates the ZT family group for the animal, such as Primate or Canine. When this setting is missing, the animal might be invisible in anything except the original ZT.


*** Warning: '...' is not a recognized function for 'f=' lines.

Functions tell ZT how to make the animal do things. ZT will skip any function it does not understand. That might cause the animal to stand still doing nothing more often than intended.

*** Warning: '/Characteristics/Integers]' has setting that is not a number.

When ZT is expecting a number instead of letters for a setting, ZT will skip that setting. That might make the animal work differently than what the creator intended. In some cases, including for ZT's animals, it is just an inefficiency.

*** Warning: 'v =' value of '...' is not a valid number.

This means there is some animal, object, or terrain that this animal should have liked or disliked, but might not do either for that animal, object, or terrain.

*** Warning: 'v' is missing an '=' after it.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration, which might cause ZT to be confused of what animals, objects, or terrain this animal likes and dislikes.

*** Warning: [f/Characteristics/Strings] section is missing cPrefIcon setting.

This means that no preferred object image will be shown in the purchase menu or animal info for the female.

*** Warning: [m/Characteristics/Strings] section is missing cPrefIcon setting.

This means that no preferred object image will be shown in the purchase menu or animal info for the male.

*** Warning: [y/Characteristics/Strings] section is missing cPrefIcon setting.

This means that no preferred object image will be shown in the animal info or purchase menu for the young.

*** Warning: A cPrey is in 9503-9506 range, but no BehaviorSet\bCaughtGuest].

This means that the configuration said the animal can attack guests, but did not say what to do when it catches guests. In this case, ZT will not have the animal catch guests.

*** Warning: Action ... is in BehaviorSet, but is not in Animations.

This means the configuration says that the animal can do something but did not say which animation to show while doing it. ZT will skip that configuration line, which might cause the animal to stand still doing nothing more often than intended.

*** Warning: All 15 habitats have values < 0 in [cSuitableObjects].

This means that the animal dislikes all ZT habitats, which might make it difficult to add rocks or foliage to make a suitable exhibit.

*** Warning: Animal needs foliage, but there is no liked foliage.

This means it might be difficult to make a suitable exhibit for the animal from a foliage perspective.

*** Warning: Animal needs rocks but there is no liked rock.

This means it might be difficult to make a suitable exhibit for the animal from a rock perspective.

*** Warning: Animal needs tank foliage, but there is no liked tank foliage.

This means it might be difficult to make a suitable tank for the animal from a foliage perspective.

*** Warning: AvailableAtStartup has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line, which should be okay for user made animals.

*** Warning: BehaviorSet sections contain duplicate lines.

This is mentioning inefficiencies in the configuration and will cause the animal to spend more time doing certain behaviors than intended.

*** Warning: BehaviorSet\bChasePrey] section does not have '(prey,'.

If the animal needs to chase prey, it will not know how to find the prey to chase them.


*** Warning: cAnimalDensity has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. The suitability guide might not be correct in what it shows for the minimum size needed for an exhibit.

*** Warning: cAnimalDensity setting is less than 1.

A cAnimalDensity setting indicates the minimum number of tiles needed per adult animal. When it is less than 1, the suitability guide might not be correct in what it shows for the minimum size needed for an exhibit.

*** Warning: cAvoidEdges has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cBashStrength has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cBreathIncrement has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cBreathThreshold has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cBreathThreshold is not 0, but cBreathIncrement = 0.

Some animals that can swim underwater in tanks must occasionally go to the surface for air. For such animals, the cBreathThreshold setting says how much air they can hold and the cBreathIncrement setting says how fast they will use the air while underwater. For ZT's animals that must surface for air, cBreathThreshold ranges from 20 to 50, but cBreathIncrement is always 10. When cBreathIncrement is 0 for a user made animal, the animal might not surface for air as intended.

*** Warning: cBreathThreshold is not 0, but there is no BehaviorSet\bBreathe].

Some animals that can swim underwater in tanks must occasionally go to the surface for air. For such animals, a [...BehaviorSet\bBreathe] section in the configuration says what should be done when the animal has surfaced for air. Usually this says which animation to show. Without this section, the animal might spend less time at the surface than intended.

*** Warning: cBuildingUseChance has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration, which might prevent the animal from using any shelter in its exhibit.

*** Warning: cBuildingUseChance setting is greater than 100.

This is mentioning an inefficiency in the configuration and, if there is a shelter in the animal's exhibit, might cause the animal to use the shelter more than intended.

*** Warning: cBuildingUseChance setting is less than 0.

This is mentioning an inefficiency in the configuration and might prevent the animal from using any shelter in its exhibit.

*** Warning: cCaptivity has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cCaptivity setting is greater than 20.

The cCaptivity setting indicates how captivity effects the happiness of the animal. When it is too high, it might not be possible to make the animal happy.

*** Warning: cChaseAnimalChance has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration, which might prevent the animal from chasing animals that it should.

*** Warning: cChaseAnimalChance setting is greater than 100.

This is mentioning an inefficiency in the configuration and might cause the animal to chase other animals sooner than intended.

*** Warning: cChaseAnimalChance setting is less than 0.

This is mentioning an inefficiency in the configuration and might prevent the animal from chasing animals that it should.

*** Warning: cClimbsCliffs has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cCrowd has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration, which might cause the animal to dislike being viewed by any guests.

*** Warning: cCrushesFences has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cDeathChance has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration, which might prevent the animal from dying, although it should.

*** Warning: cDeathChance setting is greater than 100.

This is mentioning an inefficiency in the configuration and might cause the animal to die sooner than intended.

*** Warning: cDeathChance setting is less than 0.

This is mentioning an inefficiency in the configuration and might prevent the animal from dying when it should.

*** Warning: cDepth has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cDepthChange has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cDepthMax has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cDepthMin has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cDinoZoodoo has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cDrinkWaterChance has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration, which might prevent the animal from drinking at water terrain in its exhibit.

*** Warning: cDrinkWaterChance setting is greater than 100.

This is mentioning an inefficiency in the configuration and might cause the animal to drink at water terrain more often than intended.

*** Warning: cDrinkWaterChance setting is less than 0.

This is mentioning an inefficiency in the configuration and might prevent the animal from drinking at water terrain when it should.

*** Warning: cEatsEggs has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cEatsEggs is not 0, but no 'f=fCaughtPrey()' in 'bCaughtEgg'.

The animal is configured to eat eggs, but the lack of 'f=fCaughtPrey()' will probably prevent the egg from disappearing when it is eaten.

*** Warning: cEatsEggs is not 0, but there is no BehaviorSet\bCaughtEgg].

The animal is configured to eat eggs, but the lack of a [...BehaviorSet\bCaughtEgg] section in the configuration will probably prevent the egg from disappearing when it is eaten.

*** Warning: cEatVegetationChance has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration, which might prevent the animal from eating grass type of terrain when it should.

*** Warning: cEatVegetationChance setting is greater than 100.

This is mentioning an inefficiency in the configuration and might cause the animal to eat grass type of terrain more often than intended.

*** Warning: cEatVegetationChance setting is less than 0.

This is mentioning an inefficiency in the configuration and might prevent the animal from eating grass type of terrain when it should.

*** Warning: cElevationPref has multiple settings.

cElevationPref says what percentage of the exhibit should have changes in elevation. When it has multiple settings, ZT and the suitability guide might not use the intended one.

*** Warning: cElevationPref has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cElevationPref in non-DefaultSubtype '/Characteristics/Integers]'.

The cElevationPref setting is in the wrong place in the configuration file, which might make it difficult to make a suitable exhibit for the animal from an elevation perspective.

*** Warning: cElevationPref setting is greater than 100.

This is mentioning an inefficiency in the configuration and might cause the animal to want more elevation in its exhibit than intended.

*** Warning: cElevationPref setting is less than 0.

This is mentioning an inefficiency in the configuration and might cause the animal to dislike elevation in its exhibit.

*** Warning: cEnterLandChance has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cEnterTankChance has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cEnterWaterChance has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cEra has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration, which might prevent the era from showing for an animal when it should.

*** Warning: cExtremelyMurkyWaterChange has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cExtremelyMurkyWaterHealthChange has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cExtremelyMurkyWaterThreshold has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cFamily has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cFastRate has no setting.

This means that the configuration does not say what speed should be used when the animal runs or swims fast, so the animal might not move at all when it is supposed to run or swim fast.

*** Warning: cFastRate has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cFlies has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cFlies is not 0, but there is no BehaviorSet\bFly] section.

All ZT animals have cFlies set to 0, so it is not known what was intended when cFlies is not 0.

*** Warning: cGenus has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cHabitat does not have max [cSuitableObjects] habitat value.

This means that the habitat shown in the purchase menu for an animal is not the habitat that the animal likes the most.

*** Warning: cHabitat has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cHabitat setting is greater than 9414.

This means that the habitat setting is not one recognized by ZT and, therefore, no habitat will be shown in the purchase menu for the animal.

*** Warning: cHabitat setting is less than 9400.

This means that the habitat setting is not one recognized by ZT and, therefore, no habitat will be shown in the purchase menu for the animal.

*** Warning: cHabitatPreference has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration, which might cause the exhibit suitability bar always to be green even when it should not be.

*** Warning: cHabitatPreference setting is greater than 100.

This is mentioning an inefficiency in the configuration and might make having a suitable exhibit more difficult than intended.

*** Warning: cHabitatPreference setting is less than 0.

This is mentioning an inefficiency in the configuration and might cause the exhibit suitability bar always to be green even when it should not be.

*** Warning: cHabitatSize has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration, which might cause ZT to have difficulty knowing how much of each terrain is needed in the exhibit.

*** Warning: cHabitatSize is not set to 100.

This means that ZT might have difficulty knowing how much of each terrain is needed in the exhibit.

*** Warning: cHappyReproduceThreshold has multiple settings.

cHappyReproduceThreshold says how happy the animal must be to allow it to reproduce. When it has multiple settings, ZT and the suitability guide might not use the intended one.

*** Warning: cHappyReproduceThreshold has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cHappyReproduceThreshold in non-Default Characteristics/Integers].

The cHappyReproduceThreshold setting is in the wrong place in the configuration file, which might make the animal reproduce more often than intended.

*** Warning: cHeliRecovery has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cIsClimber has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cIsClimber is not 0, but there is no 'climb_up=' action setting.

The animal is configured to climb climbable fences, but does not say which animation to use when the animal climbs a climbable fence. ZT probably will use the run or walk animation to have the animal get to the other side of the climbable fence.

*** Warning: cIsJumper has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cIsJumper is not 0, but there is no 'jump_high=' action setting.

The animal is configured to jump jumpable fences, but does not say which animation to use when the animal jumps a jumpable fence. ZT probably will use the run or walk animation to have the animal get to the other side of the jumpable fence.

*** Warning: cIsSpecialAnimal has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line, which should be okay for user made animals.

*** Warning: cKeeper has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably want a zookeeper instead of a scientist or marine specialist to take care of the animal.

*** Warning: cKeeperFoodType has no number setting in an Integers section.

This means the configuration does not say which food the animal eats. ZT might use hay in that case.

*** Warning: cKeeperFoodType has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT might use hay as the animal's food.

*** Warning: cKeeperFoodType is set to land food, but cKeeper is set to 9552.

The animal is configured to use one of the land foods, but it is also configured to have a marine specialist take care of it. If the animal can go in tanks, the land food will be put into the tank, which can cause confusion. If the animal does not go in tanks, it will not be able to get food.

*** Warning: cKeeperFoodType is set to tank food, but cKeeper is not 9552.

The animal is configured to use one of the tank foods, but it is also configured to have a zookeeper or scientist instead of a marine specialist take care of it. If the animal can go on land, the tank food will probably be put on land, which can cause confusion. If the animal does not go on land, it will not be able to get food.

*** Warning: cKeepMoving has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cLandNeeded has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cLaysEggs has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cLaysEggs in non-DefaultSubtype '/Characteristics/Integers]'.

The cLaysEggs setting is in the wrong place in the configuration file, which might make the animal not lay eggs when it should.

*** Warning: cLaysEggs is not 0, but no 'f=fPlayStopAtEnd(' in 'bEatenEgg'.

The animal is configured to lay eggs, but the lack of 'f=fPlayStopAtEnd(...)' will probably prevent the egg from disappearing when it is eaten.

*** Warning: cLaysEggs is not 0, but there is no 'egg_idle=' action setting.

The animal is configured to lay eggs, but the configuration does not say which animation to show for the egg.

*** Warning: cLaysEggs is not 0, but there is no 'f=fHatch()' in 'bHatch'.

The animal is configured to lay eggs, but the configuration does not have what it needs to turn the egg into an animal. So the egg will not turn into an animal.

*** Warning: cLaysEggs is not 0, but there is no BehaviorSet\bEatenEgg].

The animal is configured to lay eggs, but the configuration does not say what to do when the egg is eaten, which will probably prevent the egg from disappearing when it is eaten.

*** Warning: cLaysEggs is not 0, but there is no BehaviorSet\bHatch] section.

The animal is configured to lay eggs, but the configuration does not have what it needs to turn the egg into an animal. So the egg will not turn into an animal.

*** Warning: cLocation has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration, which might prevent a location from being shown in the purchase menu for the animal.

*** Warning: cMatingType has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cMatingType in non-DefaultSubtype '/Characteristics/Integers]'.

The cMatingType setting is in the wrong place in the configuration file, which might affect the animal's need for a mate.

*** Warning: cMediumRate has no setting.

This means that the configuration does not say what speed should be used when the animal trots or is supposed to move or swim at a medium speed, so the animal might not move at all when it is supposed to trot or move or swim at a medium speed.

*** Warning: cMediumRate has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cMediumRate setting is greater than cFastRate setting.

This means that the animal will move slower when it runs or is supposed to swim fast than when it trots or is supposed to move or swim at a medium speed.

*** Warning: cMurkyWaterChange has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cMurkyWaterHealthChange has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cMurkyWaterThreshold has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.


*** Warning: cName has ' <- User added'.

This indicates incomplete configuration. When ZT is run for certain languages, ' <- User added' might be shown as the name of the animal in ZT.

*** Warning: cNameID has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cNameID is set to 19000, but AvailableAtStartup is set to 0.

This indicates a mismatch in the configuration that might cause the animal to not be available for some freeform maps, such as the "Marine Mania: Kids Map (Medium)".

*** Warning: cNameID is set to 19000, but cIsSpecialAnimal is not set to 0.

This indicates a mismatch in the configuration. When this mismatch occurs, AvailableAtStartup is usually set to 0, which might cause the animal to not be available for some freeform maps, such as the "Marine Mania: Kids Map (Medium)".

*** Warning: cNeededFood has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cNeededFood is not 0, but no '(keeperfood,' in 'bFindKeeperFood'.

The animal is configured to need food, but the configuration does not say how to find the food, so the animal will probably never be able to eat the food.

*** Warning: cNeededFood is not 0, but no BehaviorSet\bFindKeeperFood] section.

The animal is configured to need food, but the configuration does not say how to find the food, so the animal will probably never be able to eat the food.

*** Warning: cNoMateChange has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cNoMateChange in non-DefaultSubtype '/Characteristics/Integers]'.

The cNoMateChange setting is in the wrong place in the configuration file, so the animal's happiness might not change when it does not have a mate, when the intent was for a happiness change.

*** Warning: cNumberAnimalsMax has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cNumberAnimalsMax setting is less than 1.

When the cNumberAnimalsMax setting is less than 1, the animal might be less happy than it could be.

*** Warning: cNumberAnimalsMaxNumber is less than cNumberAnimalsMinNumber.

When the cNumberAnimalsMax setting is less than the cNumberAnimalsMinNumber setting, the animal might be less happy than it could be.

*** Warning: cNumberAnimalsMin has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cOffspring has multiple settings.

cOffspring says how many young there will be in a litter. When it has multiple settings, ZT and the suitability guide might not use the intended one.

*** Warning: cOffspring has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration, which might cause the animal not to breed.

*** Warning: cOffspring in non-DefaultSubtype '/Characteristics/Integers]'.

The cOffspring setting is in the wrong place in the configuration file, so the animal might have a different number of offspring than intended or might not breed when it should.

*** Warning: cOnlyUnderwater has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cOnlyUnderwater is 0, but no BehaviorSet\bEscaped] section.

The animal is configured as being allowed on land, but the configuration does not say what the animal should do to escape when a fence becomes broken.

*** Warning: cOnlyUnderwater is 0, but no BehaviorSet\bRattle] section.

The animal is configured as being allowed on land, but the configuration does not say what the animal should do when it is inside a crate and wants to shake the crate.

*** Warning: cOnlyUnderwater is 0, but there is no 'box_idle=' action setting.

The animal is configured as being allowed on land, but the configuration does not say which animation to use when the animal is inside a crate.

*** Warning: cOnlyUnderwater is 0, but there is no 'walk=' action setting.

The animal is configured as being allowed on land, but the configuration does not say which animation to use when the animal is walking.

*** Warning: cOnlyUnderwater is not 0, but cUnderwater = 0.

The animal is configured to stay in tanks, but the configuration does not say the animal can go in tanks.

*** Warning: cOtherFood has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cOtherFood is not 0, but no '(otherfood,' in 'bFindOtherFood'.

The animal is allowed to use other food in addition to its main food, but the configuration does not say how to find the other food.

*** Warning: cOtherFood is not 0, but no BehaviorSet\bFindOtherFood] section.

The animal is allowed to use other food in addition to its main food, but the configuration does not say how to find the other food.

*** Warning: cPreattack has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cPreattack is not 0, but there is no BehaviorSet\bDefense].

The animal is configured to fight other animals, but the configuration does not say how the animal should defend itself in the fight.

*** Warning: cPreattack is not 0, but there is no BehaviorSet\bPreattack].

The animal is configured to fight other animals, but the configuration does not say how the animal should attack in the fight.

*** Warning: cPrefIcon has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cPrefIcon path does not match cPrefIconID number for f.

In the purchase menu and animal info, the image of the preferred object for the female does not match the name of the preferred object when the mouse cursor is on the image.

*** Warning: cPrefIcon path does not match cPrefIconID number for m.

In the purchase menu and animal info, the image of the preferred object for the male does not match the name of the preferred object when the mouse cursor is on the image.

*** Warning: cPrefIcon path does not match cPrefIconID number for y.

In the animal info and purchase menu, the image of the preferred object for the young does not match the name of the preferred object when the mouse cursor is on the image.

*** Warning: cPrefIconID ... is not in [cSuitableObjects] with value > 0.

This means that the preferred object in the purchase menu for the animal is not configured to be specifically liked by the animal. Sometimes the animal might still like the preferred object because of the object's habitat.

*** Warning: cPrefIconID has no setting.

This means that, when the mouse cursor is moved on the preferred object image for the animal in the purchase menu or animal info, the name of that object will not be shown.

*** Warning: cPrefIconID has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cPrey has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cPurchaseCost has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cRampageChance has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cRampageChance not 0, but no BehaviorSet\bEscapedRampage] section.

The animal is configured to go on rampages, but the configuration does not say what the animal should do when it is on a rampage and has escaped.

*** Warning: cRampageChance not 0, but no BehaviorSet\bHabitatRampage] section.

The animal is configured to go on rampages, but the configuration does not say what the animal should do when it is on a rampage inside its exhibit.

*** Warning: cRampageThreshold has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cRampageTimeMax has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cRampageTimeMin has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cReproductionChance has multiple settings.

cReproductionChance says how often ZT should check if the animal is happy enough to breed. When it has multiple settings, ZT might not use the intended one.

*** Warning: cReproductionChance has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cReproductionChance in non-Default '/Characteristics/Integers]'.

The cReproductionChance setting is in the wrong place in the configuration file, so the animal might not breed as often as it should.

*** Warning: cReproductionInterval has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cReproductionInterval in non-Default '/Characteristics/Integers]'.

The cReproductionInterval setting is in the wrong place in the configuration file, so the animal might not wait the intended time after breeding before breeding again.

*** Warning: cRockPref has multiple settings.

cRockPref says what percentage of the exhibit should have rocks. When it has multiple settings, ZT and the suitability guide might not use the intended one.

*** Warning: cRockPref has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration, which might cause the animal to not want any ZT rocks when it should.

*** Warning: cRockPref in non-DefaultSubtype '/Characteristics/Integers]'.

The cRockPref setting is in the wrong place in the configuration file, which might make it difficult to make a suitable exhibit for the animal from a rock perspective.

*** Warning: cRockPref setting is greater than 100.

This is mentioning an inefficiency in the configuration and might make it impossible to have enough rocks in the animal's exhibit.

*** Warning: cRockPref setting is less than 0.

This is mentioning an inefficiency in the configuration and might cause the animal to not want any ZT rocks when it should.

*** Warning: cSalinityChange has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cSalinityHealthChange has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cSickChance has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration, which might prevent an animal from getting sick when it should.

*** Warning: cSickChance is not 0, but there is no BehaviorSet\bSick] section.

The animal can get sick, but the configuration does not say what the animal should do when it gets sick.

*** Warning: cSickChance setting is greater than 100.

This is mentioning an inefficiency in the configuration and might cause the animal to be sick more often than it should.

*** Warning: cSickChance setting is less than 0.

This is mentioning an inefficiency in the configuration and might prevent an animal from getting sick when it should.

*** Warning: cSlowRate has no setting.

This means that the configuration does not say what speed should be used when the animal walks or is supposed to swim at a slow speed, so the animal might not move at all when it is supposed to walk or swim at a slow speed.

*** Warning: cSlowRate has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cSlowRate setting is greater than cMediumRate setting.

This means that the animal will move faster when it walks or is supposed to swim at a slow speed than when it trots or is supposed to move or swim at a medium speed.

*** Warning: cSmallZoodoo has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cStaySick has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cStaySick is not 0, but there is no BehaviorSet\bDoneSick].

This animal is configured not to move around while it is sick, but the configuration does not say what to do right after being healed.

*** Warning: cSurface has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cSurface is not 0, but there is no [AmbientAnimsSurface].

The animal is configured to be allowed at the surface in a tank, but the configuration does not say what to do when the animal is at the surface in a tank while the animal has nothing specific to do. The animal might not move around on the surface in a tank as much as it should.

*** Warning: cSwims has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cSwims is not 0, but cEnterLandChance is not greater than 0.

The animal is configured to be allowed on water terrain, but the configuration does not say how often it should return to land. The animal will probably stay on the water terrain until it goes for food.

*** Warning: cSwims is not 0, but cEnterWaterChance is not greater than 0.

The animal is configured to be allowed on water terrain, but the configuration does not say how often it should go on water terrain. The animal probably will not go on water terrain unless it is placed there.

*** Warning: cSwims is not 0, but there is no BehaviorSet\bInWater] section.

The animal is configured to be allowed on water terrain, but the configuration does not say what to do when the animal is on water terrain while the animal has nothing specific to do.

*** Warning: cSwims is not 0, but there is no cLandNeeded setting.

The animal is configured to be allowed on water terrain, but the configuration does not say what minimum amount of land is needed for the animal to return to land.

*** Warning: cSwims is not 0, but there is no cWaterNeeded setting.

The animal is configured to be allowed on water terrain, but the configuration does not say what minimum amount of water terrain is needed for the animal to go onto the water terrain.


*** Warning: cTall has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cTestFenceChance has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cTestFenceChance not 0, but no BehaviorSet\bTestFence] section.

The animal is configured to test occasionally if a fence is electrified, but the configuration does not say what to do when the animal wants to test the fence.

*** Warning: cTimeToHatch has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cTreePref has multiple settings.

cTreePref says what percentage of the exhibit should have foliage. When it has multiple settings, ZT and the suitability guide might not use the intended one.

*** Warning: cTreePref has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration, which might cause the animal to not want any ZT foliage when it should.

*** Warning: cTreePref in non-DefaultSubtype '/Characteristics/Integers]'.

The cTreePref setting is in the wrong place in the configuration file, which might make it difficult to make a suitable exhibit for the animal from a foliage perspective.

*** Warning: cTreePref setting is greater than 100.

This is mentioning an inefficiency in the configuration and might make it impossible to have enough foliage in the animal's exhibit.

*** Warning: cTreePref setting is less than 0.

This is mentioning an inefficiency in the configuration and might cause the animal to not want any ZT foliage when it should.

*** Warning: cUnderwater has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cUnderwater not 0 + cOnlyUnderwater = 0, but no cUnderwaterNeeded.

The animal is configured to be allowed in tanks and on land, but the configuration does not say what minimum amount of tank tiles are needed for the animal to go into the tank.

*** Warning: cUnderwater not 0 + cOnlyUnderwater not 0, but cKeeper not 9552.

The animal is configured to stay in a tank, but the configuration does not say a marine specialist will take care of it. The animal might not get the food it needs.

*** Warning: cUnderwater not 0 + cOnlyUnderwater not 0, but file has '(keeper,'.

The animal is configured to stay in a tank and the configuration has something it should not. This is a problem caused by the ape.exe program being created before tanks existed in ZT. The animal might not move around as much as it should.

*** Warning: cUnderwater not 0 + cOnlyUnderwater=0, but cEnterTankChance not >0.

The animal is configured to be allowed in tanks and on land, but the configuration does not say how often it should go into a tank. The animal probably will not go into a tank unless it is placed there.

*** Warning: cUnderwater not 0 + cSurface = 0, but no 'dive=' action setting.

The animal is configured to be allowed underwater in tanks, but the configuration does not say which animation to use while moving the animal down in a tank.

*** Warning: cUnderwater not 0 + cSurface = 0, but no 'rise=' action setting.

The animal is configured to be allowed underwater in tanks, but the configuration does not say which animation to use while moving the animal up in a tank.

*** Warning: cUnderwater not 0 + cSurface = 0, but no [AmbientAnimsUnderwater].

The animal is configured to be allowed underwater in tanks, but the configuration does not say what to do when the animal is underwater in a tank while the animal has nothing specific to do. The animal might not move around underwater in a tank as much as it should.

*** Warning: cUnderwater not 0 + cSurface=0, but no 'subidle=' action setting.

The animal is configured to be allowed underwater in tanks, but the configuration does not say which animation to use while the animal stays in one place underwater in a tank.

*** Warning: cUnderwater not 0 + cSurface=0, but no 'subswim=' action setting.

The animal is configured to be allowed underwater in tanks, but the configuration does not say which animation to use while moving the animal around the same level in a tank.

*** Warning: cUnderwater or cSurface not 0, but no 'surfidle=' action setting.

The animal is configured to be allowed in tanks, but the configuration does not say which animation to use when the animal is placed in a tank or while the animal stays in one place on the surface in a tank. The animal might stand on the water in a tank.

*** Warning: cUnderwater or cSurface not 0, but no 'surfswim=' action setting.

The animal is configured to be allowed in tanks, but the configuration does not say which animation to use while moving the animal around on the surface in a tank.

*** Warning: cUnderwaterNeeded has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cVeryMurkyWaterChange has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cVeryMurkyWaterThreshold has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: cWaterNeeded has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.


*** Warning: DefaultSubtype has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: f= has ..., but there is no BehaviorSet\...].\n",

A behavior set in the configuration says to use another behavior set, but the configuration does not have that other behavior set. The animal might be less active because of it. Many ZT and user made animals have this Warning concerning "Baby1". That is not a problem since that particular configuration is never triggered. So for those, it is just an inefficiency.

*** Warning: fMove in ... for land animal that can be in water.

An animation that might be meant for moving around on land is being used in a behavior set that might occur while the animal is on water terrain or in a tank. When this occurs, the animal might look like they are running or walking on top of water instead of swimming in the water.

*** Warning: fPlay in ... for land animal that can be in water.

An animation that might be meant for being on land is being used in a behavior set that might occur while the animal is on water terrain or in a tank. When this occurs, the animal might look like they are standing or lying on top of water instead of being in the water.

*** Warning: Has animal cPrey, but no 'f=fDustBall()' in 'bCaughtPrey'.

The animal is configured to have prey, but the configuration does not have an expected line for when the prey is caught, so the prey might not disappear when it should.

*** Warning: Has animal cPrey, but no BehaviorSet\bCaughtPrey] section.

The animal is configured to have prey, but the configuration does not say what to do when the prey is caught, so the prey might not disappear when it should.

*** Warning: Has animal cPrey, but no BehaviorSet\bChasePrey] section.

The animal is configured to have prey, but the configuration does not say what to do when chasing prey. The prey probably will not be chased.

*** Warning: Has fDustBall + cSwims not 0, but no 'waterball=' action setting.

The animal is configured to be allowed on water terrain and also has a line that is meant to show a fighting ball of dirt or water, but the configuration does not say which animation to use for that fighting ball when the animal is on water terrain.

*** Warning: Has fDustBall and sound, but no 'dustball=' sound setting.

The animal is configured to have at least one sound and also has a line that is meant to show a fighting ball of dirt or water, but the configuration does not say which sound to use for the fighting ball when the animal is on land. ZT will probably show the fighting ball without playing a sound for it.

*** Warning: Has fDustBall, but there is no 'dustball=' action setting.

The configuration has a line that is meant to show a fighting ball of dirt or water, but the configuration does not say which animation to use for that fighting ball when the animal is on land.

*** Warning: Has fDustBall, sound, + cSwims not 0, but no 'waterball=' sound.

The animal is configured to have at least one sound, to be allowed on water terrain, and also has a line that is meant to show a fighting ball of dirt or water, but the configuration does not say which sound to use for the fighting ball when the animal is on water terrain. ZT will probably show the fighting ball without playing a sound for it.

*** Warning: Item id ... has multiple settings in [cSuitableObjects].

When something has multiple settings, ZT and the suitability guide might not use the intended one. The suitability guide might not be correct concerning whether or not some object is liked by the animal.

*** Warning: LCID has multiple settings.

LCID says which language to use when a person's ZT is for a language that is not specifically configured for this animal. When it has multiple settings, ZT might not use the intended one.

*** Warning: LCID has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: LCID setting is not in [defaultLCID] section.

The LCID setting is in the wrong place in the configuration file. ZT might skip the line.

*** Warning: No cBashStrength in DefaultSubtype's '/Characteristics/Integers]'.

The main [.../Characteristics/Integers] section does not have a setting that it should. This might make the male animal have a different strength than the female when it was intended for their strengths to be the same.

*** Warning: No cPrefIconID in [f/Characteristics/Integers] section.

The cPrefIconID setting is used to give the ID number for the preferred object. When it is missing from the [f/Characteristics/Integers] section, the ZT expansion packs will not show the name of the preferred object when the mouse cursor is moved on the preferred object image for the female in the purchase menu or animal info.

*** Warning: No cPrefIconID in [m/Characteristics/Integers] section.

The cPrefIconID setting is used to give the ID number for the preferred object. When it is missing from the [m/Characteristics/Integers] section, the ZT expansion packs will not show the name of the preferred object when the mouse cursor is moved on the preferred object image for the male in the purchase menu or animal info.

*** Warning: No cPrefIconID in [y/Characteristics/Integers] section.

The cPrefIconID setting is used to give the ID number for the preferred object. When it is missing from the [y/Characteristics/Integers] section, the ZT expansion packs will not show the name of the preferred object when the mouse cursor is moved on the preferred object image for the young in the animal info or purchase menu.

*** Warning: No fPlay... type of line before fPlayTime line.

fPlayTime lines tell ZT to play an animation a specified number of times. While ZT does this line, ZT will not check if the animal is shot by a tranquilizer dart. So if this animal escapes and happens to be doing fPlayTime lines, it can cause a zookeeper to shoot darts continuously at this animal without it turning into a crate. The chances of this can be reduced when there is a configuration line before the fPlayTime line that plays an animation only once. All ZT's animals and many user made animals have this problem. If the problem occurs, it is still possible to turn the animal into a crate by picking it up and putting it back down.

*** Warning: No fPlay... type of line or fDie line after fPlayTime line.

fPlayTime lines tell ZT to play an animation a specified number of times. While ZT does this line, ZT will not check if the animal is shot by a tranquilizer dart. So if this animal escapes and happens to be doing fPlayTime lines, it can cause a zookeeper to shoot darts continuously at this animal without it turning into a crate. The chances of this can be reduced when the fPlayTime line does not take a long time and there is a configuration line after the fPlayTime line that either plays an animation only once or says the animal should die. Almost all ZT's animals and many user made animals have this problem. If the problem occurs, it is still possible to turn the animal into a crate by picking it up and putting it back down.

*** Warning: Sound ... is in BehaviorSet, but is not in [Sounds].

Part of the configuration gives the name of a sound to play, but the configuration does not say which ".wav" sound file to use for that sound name. Maybe ZT skips playing the sound or maybe ZT also skips doing the animation that was going to play with the sound.

*** Warning: Sum of family, genus, and animal id/type values are < 0.

This means that the animal might give a frown when more of it are added to the exhibit. Some animal creators try to fix this problem by making the animal like itself, but that can cause a smile when a frown should be occurring. Ideally, an animal normally should not give a frown or a smile when more of it are added to the exhibit. That way, if a frown occurs, it means the maximum number of animals has been reached for the exhibit or for the size of the exhibit.

*** Warning: Terrain sum does not equal 100.

This means that ZT might have difficulty knowing how much of each terrain is needed in the exhibit.

*** Warning: There are different cAnimalDensity settings.

This means that there is more than one setting for the minimum number of tiles needed per adult animal. So ZT might not use the intended one and the suitability guide might not be correct in what it shows for the minimum size needed for an exhibit.

*** Warning: There are different cNumberAnimalsMax settings.

This means that there is more than one setting for the maximum number of animals that must be in the exhibit for them to be happy. So ZT and the suitability guide might not use the intended one.

*** Warning: There are different cNumberAnimalsMin settings.

This means that there is more than one setting for the minimum number of animals that must be in the exhibit for them to be happy. So ZT might not use the intended one and the suitability guide might not be correct in what it shows for the minimum number of animals or for the minimum size needed for an exhibit.

*** Warning: There are multiple [m/Animations] sections.

An [m/Animations] section in an animal's configuration says what animations can be used by the male. When the configuration has more than one of those sections, ZT and the configuration checker might not use the intended one.

*** Warning: There is no 'idle=' action setting.

The idle setting says which animation to use when an animal is placed on land or when a tank animal is placed in a tank.

*** Warning: There is no [cCompatibleAnimals] section.

A [cCompatibleAnimals] section in an animal's configuration tells ZT what animals this animal likes and dislikes, including more of the same animal. Without this section, the animal will not give a smile or frown when other animals are added to the exhibit, at least not based on type of animal, although there can still be a smile or frown for other reasons.

*** Warning: There is no BehaviorSet\bDie] section.

A [...BehaviorSet\bDie] section in an animal's configuration tells ZT what to do when it is time for an animal to die.

*** Warning: There is no BehaviorSet\bEat] section.

A [...BehaviorSet\bEat] section in an animal's configuration tells ZT what to do when it is time for an animal to eat food, eat ground vegetation, or drink water.

*** Warning: There is no BehaviorSet\bRun] section.

A [...BehaviorSet\bRun] section in an animal's configuration tells ZT what to do when ZT wants the animal to move randomly at a fast speed.

*** Warning: There is no BehaviorSet\bRunFromPredator] section.

A [...BehaviorSet\bRunFromPredator] section in an animal's configuration tells ZT what to do when the animal is being chased by a predator.

*** Warning: There is no BehaviorSet\bSleep] section.

A [...BehaviorSet\bSleep] section in an animal's configuration tells ZT what to do when ZT wants the animal to sleep somewhere other than inside a shelter.

*** Warning: There is no BehaviorSet\bWalk] section.

A [...BehaviorSet\bWalk] section in an animal's configuration tells ZT what to do when ZT wants the animal to move randomly at a slow speed.

*** Warning: There is no cAnimalDensity setting.

A cAnimalDensity setting indicates the minimum number of tiles needed per adult animal. When this setting is missing, the suitability guide might not be correct in what it shows for the minimum size needed for an exhibit.

*** Warning: There is no cHabitat setting.

This means that no habitat will be shown in the purchase menu for the animal.

*** Warning: There is no cNameID setting.

A cNameID setting tells ZT where to look for the animal name, purchase menu tooltip, and animal info. For nearly all user made animals, cNameID should be set to 19000.

*** Warning: There is no cNumberAnimalsMax setting.

A cNumberAnimalsMax setting indicates the maximum number of animals that must be in the exhibit for them to be happy.

*** Warning: There is no cNumberAnimalsMin setting.

A cNumberAnimalsMin setting indicates the minimum number of animals that must be in the exhibit for them to be happy. When this setting is missing, the suitability guide might not be correct in what it shows for the minimum number of animals or for the minimum size needed for an exhibit.

*** Warning: There is no liked terrain.

This means that ZT might have difficulty knowing how much of each terrain is needed in the exhibit.

*** Warning: Type has nothing after '='.

This is mentioning an invalid line format in the configuration. ZT will probably skip the line.

*** Warning: uca/ai file contains 'fPlayPingPong()'.

fPlayPingPong says to play an animation forward and in reverse one time, but the configuration did not say inside "()" which animation to play. The animal might stay still more often than it should.

*** Warning: uca/ai file contains 'fPlayReverse()'.

fPlayReverse says to play an animation in reverse one time, but the configuration did not say inside "()" which animation to play. The animal might stay still more often than it should.

*** Warning: uca/ai file contains 'fPlaySpecial()'.

fPlaySpecial says to play an animation and a sound together, possibly repeating the sound until the animation finishes, but the configuration did not say inside "()" which animation and sound to play, as well as which three numbers to use for it (which are usually ",0,0,0"). The animal might stay still more often than it should.

*** Warning: uca/ai file contains 'fPlayStopAtEnd()'.

fPlayStopAtEnd says to play an animation one time and then make the animal disappear, but the configuration did not say inside "()" which animation to play. When an animal starts as an egg, "f = fPlayStopAtEnd(egg_break)" should be in the configuration, which is used when the egg is eaten.

*** Warning: uca/ai file contains 'fPlayTime()'.

fPlayTime says to play an animation a specified number of times, but the configuration did not say inside "()" which animation to play or how many times to play the animation. The animal might stay still more often than it should.

*** Warning: uca/ai file contains 'fPlayWithSound()'.

fPlayWithSound says to play an animation and a sound one time, but the configuration did not say inside "()" which animation and sound to play. The animal might stay still more often than it should.

*** Warning: uca/ai file contains the word 'Undefined'.

This means that some behaviors or sounds for the animal are not configured when they should be, so the animal might stay still more often than it should, especially the females and young.

*** Warning: uca/ai file contains 'fPlay()'.

fPlay says to play an animation one time, but the configuration did not say inside "()" which animation to play. The animal might stay still more often than it should.

*** Warning: uca/ai file has 'fPlayWithSound(' without comma.

fPlayWithSound says to play an animation and a sound one time, but the configuration did not say which sound to play. Maybe ZT plays the animation without the sound or maybe ZT also skips doing the animation that was going to play with the sound.

*** Warning: Web site link or word in animal info is > 31 characters.

The text portion of the animal info screen in ZT has a certain width. When a word is longer than that width, the word will not be shown in the animal info screen. Similarly, web site links tend to be long, and long ones will not be shown in the animal info screen. Since the text portion of the animal info screen uses proportional fonts, it is difficult to say if a specific long word or long web site link is too long. But words or web site links containing 31 characters or less seem to work.


The following are the Efficiency messages that could be shown after the "Results From Configuration Checking" line. These messages say how the ".uca" or ".ai" file could be smaller.

* Efficiency: 'cAvoidEdges = 0' is not needed and can be removed.
* Efficiency: 'cBreathIncrement = 0' is not needed and can be removed.
* Efficiency: 'cBreathThreshold = 0' is not needed and can be removed.
* Efficiency: 'cCrushesFences = 0' is not needed and can be removed.
* Efficiency: 'cDepth = 0' is not needed and can be removed.
* Efficiency: 'cDepthChange = 0' is not needed and can be removed.
* Efficiency: 'cDepthMax = 0' is not needed and can be removed.
* Efficiency: 'cDepthMin = 0' is not needed and can be removed.
* Efficiency: 'cDinoZoodoo = 0' is not needed and can be removed.
* Efficiency: 'cExtremelyMurkyWaterChange=0' is not needed and can be removed.
* Efficiency: 'cExtremelyMurkyWaterHealthChange=0' not needed + can be removed.
* Efficiency: 'cExtremelyMurkyWaterThreshold=0' not needed and can be removed.
* Efficiency: 'cHeliRecovery = 0' is not needed and can be removed.
* Efficiency: 'cIsSpecialAnimal = 0' is not needed and can be removed.
* Efficiency: 'cKeepMoving = 0' is not needed and can be removed.
* Efficiency: 'cLaysEggs = 0' is not needed and can be removed.
* Efficiency: 'cMurkyWaterChange = 0' is not needed and can be removed.
* Efficiency: 'cMurkyWaterHealthChange = 0' is not needed and can be removed.
* Efficiency: 'cMurkyWaterThreshold = 0' is not needed and can be removed.
* Efficiency: 'cRampageChance = 0' is not needed and can be removed.
* Efficiency: 'cRampageThreshold = 0' is not needed and can be removed.
* Efficiency: 'cRampageTimeMax = 0' is not needed and can be removed.
* Efficiency: 'cRampageTimeMin = 0' is not needed and can be removed.
* Efficiency: 'cSalinityChange = 0' is not needed and can be removed.
* Efficiency: 'cSalinityHealthChange = 0' is not needed and can be removed.
* Efficiency: 'cSmallZoodoo = 0' is not needed and can be removed.
* Efficiency: 'cStaySick = 0' is not needed and can be removed.
* Efficiency: 'cTimeToHatch = 0' is not needed and can be removed.
* Efficiency: 'cVeryMurkyWaterChange = 0' is not needed and can be removed.
* Efficiency: 'cVeryMurkyWaterHealthChange=0' is not needed and can be removed.
* Efficiency: 'cVeryMurkyWaterThreshold = 0' is not needed and can be removed.
* Efficiency: [f/Animations] section can be removed; it matches DefaultSubtype.
* Efficiency: [m/Animations] section can be removed; it matches DefaultSubtype.
* Efficiency: [y/Animations] section can be removed; it matches DefaultSubtype.
* Efficiency: iCharacteristics/Integers] sections are unused + can be removed.
* Efficiency: Line pair with 2nd being 'v=0' not needed in [cSuitableObjects].
* Efficiency: Line pair with 2nd being 'v=0' not needed in cCompatibleTerrain.
* Efficiency: The [] section is unnecessary and could be removed.
* Efficiency: There are duplicate cElevationPref lines.
* Efficiency: There are duplicate cHappyReproduceThreshold lines.
* Efficiency: There are duplicate cOffspring lines.
* Efficiency: There are duplicate cReproductionChance lines.
* Efficiency: There are duplicate cRockPref lines.
* Efficiency: There are duplicate cTreePref lines.
* Efficiency: There are duplicate LCID lines.
* Efficiency: There are multiple [defaultLCID] sections.